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Yes, the game is fantastic. But why isn’t anyone talking about what’s wrong with it?

Author: Austin

The time has probably long since past during which a review of Fire Emblem: Awakening would have been suitable, so instead of going through the paces of telling you what you need to know in order to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase the game, I’ll start off here with this: It’s probably the best game on 3DS, and even those with a distaste for the franchise’s previous entries will find something to like about it. If you haven’t played the game yet, please do so before reading what I’m about to write, because what I’m about to write will be filled with minor spoilers and negative thoughts about a game that is best played before hearing either of those things!

This is part one of a two or three part series on Awakening in which I’ll be doing my best to intelligently discuss some of the finer points of the game. These are things that everyone I’ve talked to has neglected to mention exist, either out of blind adoration for the title (which is fine– everyone gets that way about some games), or because they simply didn’t notice them.

Hit the break for the actual thing.

So at the very beginning of this video I say the whole “This episode is brought to you by thing”, but you’ll notice that there are no ZombiU images. Somehow I just forgot to add them, so… we’re gonna hope I didn’t forget anything else! That’s what you get when you stay up until 7AM editing in order to get the game up on a relevant date.

Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]

Podcast or no podcast, I will defend this game until the day I die.

Your weekly news, what we’ve played, and reader questions all make their return, but this week also featured another heated discussion on Zelda, lots of talk of Nintendo’s future amidst the lack of Madden, more elongated Mario RPG talk, and a solid discussion of Shadow of the Eternals. Enjoy!

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Laura, and Jack

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Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword possess very different art styles. Whereas Twilight Princess is rather dark and brown to fit the atmosphere, you could say that Skyward Sword is much more colorful.

One passionate fan has come up with an intriguing mix of the two games. GBAtemp member “disbala” is working on a Twilight Princess texture pack (requires Dolphin) that incorporates the style of Skyward Sword.

While not complete, you can already see how noticeably different Twilight Princess looks with Skyward Sword’s style. You can find a few example shots above.

Thanks to Yono for the tip.


The Pokemon brand is strong. Very strong. So much so that consumers are still snatching up the older Pokemon games in fairly large quantities.

Over the span of a year, Pokemon Black/White, HeartGold/SoulSilver, and Diamond/Pearl racked up nearly 1 million copies.

Here’s a quick overview:

ReleasedTitleMarch 2012March 2013Increase
2007Pokémon Diamond/Pearl17.61 million17.63 million+20,000
2010Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver12.40 million12.67 million+270,000
2011Pokémon Black/White14.71 million15.42 million+710,000

Not bad, right? Something tells me that Pokemon X/Y will also sell for many, many years following its release later this year.


Well, we’ve known since last month’s Nintendo Direct that EarthBound is heading to the overseas Wii U eShops as a Virtual Console download. Now a rating for the game has popped up on the OFLC. While I’m not too sure that a release is necessarily imminent, maybe we’ll be seeing it sooner rather than later.

Nintendo and Zen Studios will be pulling the Marvel Pinball 3D demo from the European 3DS eShop next week. For some unknown reason, a message on the store indicates that its removal will be taking place on May 9.

There isn’t a similar message on the North American eShop as far as we can tell.

Through May 9, US 3DS owners can purchase Marvel Pinball 3D at a 50% discount.


Care to see what Rare was cooking up for Conker’s Bad Fur Day before the game was edited and went through numerous cuts? It was a lot more graphic, though that’s probably putting it mildly.

The debug and ECTS builds of Conker’s Bad Fur Day as well as beta and NTSC versions of Perfect Dark could make it out to the public if enough money is raised. A few folks over at the Assembler Games forum are looking to collect $2,500 in order to make this a reality for fans.

You can find more information on the official forum page here.


Atlus has opened an official North American website for Shin Megami Tensei IV. Access it here.

The site contains various screenshots, videos, wallpapers, and more. You can also find out more information about the game by visiting the page.

Yuke’s, developer of the annual WWE titles, is working on a video game based on the Pacific Rim film.

We first came across this news through the OFLC. On the ratings board site, Yuke’s is listed as the author and publisher of Pacific Rim.

It appears that Yuke’s actually made an under-the-radar announcement through its website in mid-March. No details are mentioned in the press release, however.

It’s true that movie-based games often turn out to be disappointing. But since Yuke’s has a pretty decent reputation with the WWE and UFC titles, perhaps there’s a small bit of hope for Pacific Rim.

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