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Did you know that Shigeru Miyamoto has a Twitter account? It’s true!

Unfortunately, we can’t tell you what Miyamoto’s Twitter handle is, as it’s a secret. Miyamoto did, however, confirm to CVG that he uses Twitter to converse with friends.

“Every once in a while I post on Twitter via our official Nintendo Twitter account, but it’s scary (laughs). Maybe I’m not supposed to say this, but I do use Twitter myself to communicate directly with friends on occasion. But don’t look for me – you won’t find me!”


Three new games are hitting the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week. Super Mario Kart, Wrecking Crew, and Ninja JaJaMaru-kun are all scheduled to arrive on the eShop on June 19. The latter two titles are priced at 500 yen while the former is set at 800 yen.


Miiverse now lets users share posts through various social channels, thanks to a new update. Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr are all supported. The functionality is currently available through the web-based version of Miiverse, but hasn’t been added to Wii U.


The topic of used games has come up often over the past few weeks. Whereas the Wii U and PlayStation 4 allow gamers to share titles with others or freely resell them, the Xbox One will be putting restrictions in place.

Because of how often used games has been popping up in the news as of late, CVG asked Shigeru Miyamoto about his stance on the functionality. But Miyamoto is more concerned with piracy than used games, as he explained to the site:

“For us it’s less about used games and it’s really more illegal copying of games that we’re really worried about. By creating the games that we create and selling those games, it enables us to then create new versions of those games. We’re more worried about piracy and we think used games are a whole other story. In fact, from our perspective you want to create a game that people will want to keep and keep playing for a long time. That’s the approach that we always take and that’s the best way to avoid used games.”


The video below is of the PS Vita version, but the 3DS game will be practically identical.

Pokemon X/Y details from the latest issue of CoroCoro have emerged. Below you’ll find information on the game’s characters, a few new Pokemon, and more.

– New character: Sana
– Sana follows you in the forest (shown in early trailer)
– New character: Pansy
– Pansy appears in the anime with Gogoat & Helioptile on July 18th
– First gym leader: Viola
– Viola appears to be a bug Gym Leader in Hakudan City
– Vivillon’s pre-evolutions have been revealed as Kofukimushi & Kofuurai which should be called Spewpa based on yesterday’s information, both of which are Bug-types
– Lion Cub Pokemon is Shishiko
– Shishiko is a Fire/Normal-type Pokemon
– Shishiko has a move called Battle Cry
– This lowers the opponent’s attack
– Shishiko is 0.6m and 13.5kg
– The flower is Furabebe, the Lone Flower Pokémon
– Furabebe is Fairy-type and knows the move Fairy Wind
– Furabebe is 0.1m and 0.1kg
– Starting town is called Asame Town and has three characters including Sana, Tieruno and Toroba
– You just moved to Asame Town and the other gender character appears in your game known as Callum or Serena respectively
– You also appear to have a Rhyhorn live in your front garden


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