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Update: And here’s the news we were waiting for:

The European release of Devil Survivor: Overclocked suffers from a few issues. Publisher Ghostlight has been working on a patch, however.

According to the company’s official Twitter account, news about the fix could be coming later this week. Overclocked is in stock once more on Ghostlight’s store as well, by the way.


Amongst the sales numbers and fancy infographics, Nintendo’s recent board of directors meeting also resulted in a number of planned changes to the company’s management. Most notably, the current chairman and CEO of Nintendo of America, Tatsumi Kimishima will be promoted to General Manager of Corporate Analysis and Administration Division and General Manager of the General Affairs Division. With none of the other board members set to assume his former position, President Satoru Iwata will be taking over his roles and responsibilities.

This is all pending shareholder approval and we won’t know for sure until the company’s Annual General Meeting in June.


Week 2: Complete! Onwards to this place… whatever it is!

I think this week is going to be the best one so far, because the discussions we had on our latest podcast episode really kicked me into gear for thinking more intellectually as I play, and noticing more things I hadn’t initially. If you want to play along and discuss during the week, check out our forum thread here. If you missed out on the first week but you still want to participate, you’re looking at a total of about 8 hours of game-time this week to catch up!

“How far do I have to get this week?”
Deadline for email submissions this week: April 27th

Since last week we obtained the second and third Stars (out of seven!) in the game, this week we’ll do our best to get Stars #4 and #5! You should stop as soon as you get to a save point after Star #5. I’m guessing this will take about 3 hours or so. Maybe a little more, so get crackin’!

Also, please do not send us emails discussing portions of the game beyond where the book club is. We want to avoid spoilers and we don’t want to feel unable to answer your questions/respond to your comments, so if you’ve gotten ahead of everyone (which is fine!) do your best to only talk about the parts that we’ve all agreed upon. :]

Hit the break for info on how to participate in a discussion, plus other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’!

I completely forgot what I was supposed to use for this week’s image, so here’s a funny picture of Reggie and Miyamoto and someone else as The Matrix.

And finally we see a glimpse of what the Book Club is meant to be via a long discussion of Super Mario RPG at the end of this week’s episode! You can also expect to hear news, what we played, listener mail, and a top ten list of your guys’ favorite announcements from Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Laura, and Jack

Some of you may notice that our feed (iTunes/Feedburner/etc) is missing all of the episodes before episode 34 or so. That’s because our hosting service is a real piece of crap! So I’ll be switching to a more expensive (but hopefully more stable!) service in the coming days. Stay tuned– and thanks for listening. :]

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edit: Wow that is the perfect thumbnail.

I decided to revisist Ocarina of Time this week because there were some cool glitches, and also people keep telling me to do more Zelda games. So here’s another one! Enjoy, faithful NintendoEverything readers.

Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]

WayForward was first said to be pursuing a 3DS Virtual Console release of Shantae almost two years ago. In August of last year, the studio reconfirmed the game for release on the service.

We’re now in April, and Shantae still hasn’t appeared on the eShop. But it’s coming… still.

WayForward’s Matt Bozon (not to be confused with the former IGN Nintendo editor Mark Bozon) wrote on Twitter that Shantae is now expected between mid-June and early July. Let’s hope the Game Boy Color finally finally arrives within the next few months!


Devil Survivor 2: Break Record’s release date has been revealed in Famitsu, which is leaking out ever-so-slowly tonight.

In Japan, the 3DS game is due out on July 11. Atlus previously confirmed a general Summer 2013 timeframe for launch. Pricing information isn’t immediately available, but this information will likely be included in Atlus’ official announcement in the near future.

Update 2: And back up to $17.75! I think we’re done with these minimal price changes now.

Update: Now down to… $17.59.

Mega Man is in hibernation for the time being. So why not look back on the series’ past games?

You can start with Mega Man Zero Collection, which contains all four Mega Man Zero games on a single cartridge. It also features an art gallery and other elements.

We’re mentioning Mega Man Zero Collection because it’s available through Amazon for just $17.75. Think about it, guys!

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