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You might be wondering why Hironbu Sakaguchi is in some of these photos. Sakaguchi is in Europe for The Last Story’s launch. The game arrives on February 24.

I suppose Sakaguchi thought it’d be fun to visit Nintendo’s Paris Studio and take some pictures!

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters will be hitting the Japanese eShop on February 8 for 400 yen.


Lots and lots of Nintendo goodies everywhere…


Japanese 3DS release dates

Posted 12 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

There are a few new Japanese 3DS release dates in the latest issue of Famitsu. The big news is that Dynasty Warriors Vs. has been pushed back from March 15 to April 26.

The full list of release dates can be found below.

Rayman Origins – April 12
Nano Assault – April 19
Dynasty Warriors Vs. – April 26
G1 Grand Prix – May 24

January is almost over. That means you have just a few hours left to grab Dr. Mario Online Rx, Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Kirby’s Dream Land, and Dr. Mario Express from Club Nintendo.

Nintendo will most likely swap out the game selection with new downloads sometime tomorrow, so head on over to the site now before the current rewards expire.

Fishing 3D trailer

Posted 12 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Reggie Fils-Aime revealed that Game Gear games would be coming to the eShop during Satoru Iwata’s GDC speech last year. It’s nearly been a year since then, and we still haven’t heard anything officially.

There is a bit of good news, though. The ESRB has rated a couple of Game Gear games for the 3DS: Shinobi and Sonic Triple Trouble.

Does this mean we’ll soon see Game Gear games on the eShop?

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

Thanks to Tim for the tip!


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