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CoroCoro is turning 35 this year, and so they’re celebrating with a special contest. The magazine is teaming up with Nintendo to give one lucky winner a commemorative 3DS.

The next issue of CoroCoro – available on April 14 – will provide more details about the contest.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!

Source, Via

March 22

Zombie Slayer Diox (3DS Download) – $5.99

March 29

90’s Pool (DSiWare) – $1.99 / 200 points
Arc Style: Soccer 3D (3DS Download) – $6.99

April 5

Penguin Patrol (DSiWare) – $1.99 / 200 points
Anne’s Doll Studio: Tokyo Collection (DSiWare) – $4.99 / 500 points

We’ve been hearing lots of gossip about Epic Mickey 2 being made for the Wii (possibly Wii U as well), PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. According to the latest speculation, though, there’s also a “companion” game of sorts in the works for the 3DS.

Not much is known about the rumored project. Nintendo Magazine France says that it will contain 2D elements, but this hasn’t been confirmed.

If this is the real deal, we may hear about it on this week’s GameTrailers TV episode, Nintendo Power, or Disney’s upcoming conference.

Source, Via

I’m not entirely sure what this is. It could be a pre-order bonus for a European territory, or perhaps NoE will be selling AR card packs on a regular basis.

The photo above comes from a Masahiro Sakurai tweet, so maybe he’ll be willing to share more information soon.


Bit.Trip Runner 2 was delayed to November earlier today, and Gaijin Games artist Mike Roush is once again reminding everyone that a Wii U version is possible. The console should be out for the holidays… wouldn’t Bit.Trip Runner 2 be a nice launch title for the Wii U’s store?

Regarding a Wii U version, Roush said:

“(A Wii U version is) definitely something we’re thinking about. My guess is we will always be with Nintendo. Everyone at Gaijin Games is a Nintendo fanboy, so we will most likely continue that relationship in the future. We’ll make one game and cross-platform it to the best of our ability. When we made these decisions we never knew about Wii U. So rather than us ‘leaving Nintendo’, it’s that these decisions were made a year ago. We would never leave Nintendo, we love them to death.”

That’s not the only news from Roush. He teased an idea Gaijin Games has for something called “BitTroid”. It would be “a mash-up of Bit.Trip and Metroid.”

He said:

“We’ve been joking around for years about making ‘BitTroid’ – a mash-up of Bit.Trip and Metroid. We’ve never thought about it seriously but we talk about it often. It would be something we’d love to do. We’d need to get a sub-team focused on that and do it in the old Bit.Trip style.”


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