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Atari has confirmed that they’ll be published The Kore Gang in North America. The title is due out on October 4, as we reported a few days ago. You can find a fact sheet which contains details about the game below.

Title: The Kore Gang
Publisher: Atari Inc.
Developer: Pixonauts
Platforms: Nintendo Wii
Release Date: October 4, 2011
ESRB Rating: E10+
Genre: Action Platformer

An action platformer that is EXCLUSIVE to the Wii ™ that delivers an entertaining & humorous story with one of the most spaced out visual styles ever seen on the Wii.

We’ll provide a larger image of the boxart soon…


London Life, the add-on RPG to Professor Layton and the Last Specter, has been confirmed for North America. However, Nintendo’s latest press release says that the bonus will be exclusive to North America, which means that Europe will miss out on the content.

The press release states:

“As a North American exclusive to the overall Professor Layton and the Last Specter package, a bonus role-playing game called Professor Layton’s London Life™ containing more than 100 hours of additional content will be available to players from the start of the game.”

Technically London Life won’t be a North American exclusive since it can be accessed in the Japanese version. I have to admit that I’m very curious as to why Europe won’t be seeing it in their package as well.

Disney Universe boxart

Posted 13 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

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