These estimates come from the-drill blog…
PSP – 37,300
Wii – 33,200
PS3 – 27,800
DSi LL – 24,600
DSi – 15,700
DS Lite – 4,400
Xbox 360 – 3,400
PS2 – 1,900
PSP go – 1,500
Update: Added in the promo video of Move as well (thanks Thomas!)
The first image below is, of course, a picture of the Wii remote and nunchuck. Nintendo has used the image countless times as promotional material.
Now, here’s one of the first pictures released by Sony of the newly announced PlayStation Move controller, along with its Sub-Controller…
– From Nintendo and Shift
– Mini-game collection
– Predict number of search results for search items
– 14 games
– 8 playable with four players simultaneously
– Line Up: Search List – 1 player, predict number of hits for words, line the words up based on hits, mistakes will deplete your life
– Climb! Search Stairs – 1 player, do “and” searches for a given word and a word that you choose from a few cards, more hits with combination lead to the stairs that grow, stairs collapse over time
– Bomb Survival – 1 – 4 players, take turns choosing words in multiplayer, player who chooses word with fewest hits get bombed
– And Search! Panel 9 – 1 – 4 players, need to combine words that show up on panels with words on your cards, steal panels from friends, winner chosen by amount of panels you have and hit count
– Which Has More – 1 – 4 players, two answer multiple choice question, need to choose phrase that is searched more
– “Kensaku Robot” will teach you aspects about searching, including terminology (like “hit count”)
– Search data provided by Google
– 10,000 words on the disc, can download more words and problems
– Releasing April 29, 4,800 yen
Cambridge, Mass. –March 9, 2009 – Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that a four pack of songs from pop sensation Lady Gaga, as well as a special Lady Gaga cover by COMEDY CENTRAL’s South Park’s own Eric Cartman will be added next week to the Rock Band Music Store of downloadable content for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™.
Lady Gaga joins the more than 400 artists currently available through theRock Band platform. With more than 1,100 songs available,Rock Band is, without question, the industry leader in providing the best selection of interactive musical content, songs and artists.
The following is a response to a question regarding the possibility of putting Dark Void Zero on WiiWare/PSN…
“You have not yet heard the last of Dark Void Zero, but I dunno what the plans might be for Wii/X360/PS3. None as yet, but it does seem like a natural fit. OG fun is OG fun.” – Senior Manager of Community Seth Killian
A few days ago, Capcom said that they were pleased with the sales of Dark Void Zero. Even if the game doesn’t end up on consoles, perhaps we’ll see a sequel in the future.
Thanks to 357 Lobster for the news tip!
Real-Time Simulations, Mini-Games and Customizations Takes Players off the Pine and in the Batters Box
El Segundo, Calif. – March 9, 2010 – Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced the development of The Cages Pro-Style Batting Practice for Wii™. A baseball batting simulator, filled with unique mini-games focusing on hitting, gets players off the pine and active in this innovative sports game. What awaits players is a series of fun and interactive mini-games that test players’ hand/eye coordination by challenging a virtual pitching machine that spits out 19 different pitches, varying in speed and difficulty.
Players take on this true to life baseball hitting game by actively swinging at pitches with their Wii Remote™ from a pitching machine that spits out various pitches such as sliders, 12-6 curves and fast balls, all simulated from real life pitchers. The Cages Pro-Style Batting Practice is also compatible with Wii Motion Plus™ giving players an even more realistic experience! Customize your experience by editing your batters and pitchers to give them real-world physics including left vs. right hand, stance, height, weight and more. A natural learning curve allows players to develop their skills and take on up to four other players for an in-game homerun challenge! Behind all of this fun is a fitness element that tracks your cardiovascular progress by reporting on calories burned while players are obtaining their hitting goals. In addition, the use of the Wii’s motion controller helps players develop their hand/eye coordination skills.
10th March 2010: Hanabi Festival, Nintendo’s celebration of Virtual Console gaming, returns starting on 12th March – with an all-star line-up of classics never before seen in Europe.
Named after the infamous Japanese fireworks festivals, this year’s Hanabi Festival will light up your Wii with an explosive array of games.