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BBB Pub Darts WiiWare

London, Ontario – January 4, 2010 – Big Blue Bubble Inc. announced today that their newest WiiWare™ release, Pub Darts, is now available on the Wii Shop Channel. Experience the camaraderie of your local pubs’ dart night without leaving your living room!

Pub Darts is a simple and fun darts game using the Wii’s unique controls to mimic the dart throwing motion. Players will find themselves immersed in the ambient din of the local pub, playing for the most prized of all rewards; bragging rights! Players will step up to the line to play some of their favorites including 501, Cricket, Around the Clock, Killer, and Baseball. Multiplayer mode pits up to 4 players against one another in a battle to see who is the Ultimate Pub Darts Champion!

1. [WII] New Super Mario Bros Wii
2. [DS] Tomodach Collection
3. [DS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
4. [WII] Wii Fit Plus

5. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII
6. [WII] Wii Sports Resort
7. [DS] Pokemon HeartGold/Soul Silver
8. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 2

9. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best)
10. [WII] Mario Kart Wii

Iwata spoke with the Asahi Shimbun in a recent interview and spoke about a number of topics from the next DS to Zelda Wii. We’ve summed up the information below.

Next DS

– Iwata wants high resolution image output, motion sensor
– Won’t discuss any sort of time frame for release
– “DS saw its highest sales in North America in 2009”

Current DS

– Iwata interested in expanding partnership with McDonalds to other shops


– Iwata says Wii “has started to accelerate again”
– “In North American and Japan, we recorded the highest system sales for the past three years.”
– Games for the Wii Vitality Sensor will be announced in July, wants to release it as soon as possible
– Iwata also says Zelda Wii will be released before the end of 2010

Thanks to Nathan P for the news tip!

Source 1, Source 2



Famitsu has always been a great publication to learn about the latest games from Japan. In fact, the magazine often reveals games before any other outlet. All readers should once again keep their eyes peeled on next week’s issue, as the magazine will share the first information on a popular “robot action game.” There will be a 5 page preview as well as a developer interview to accompany the announcement. As is usually the case with these types of secrets, there is no confirmation yet as to which platform(s) the game is being created for. However, in about a week’s time, we’ll find out.


Famitsu review scores

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 4 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) – 10/9/9/9
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3/360) – 10/8/8/8
Last Window (DS) – 9/8/8/7
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii) – 8/7/7/7

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (PS3/360) – 7/7/7/7

Thanks to Tosh for the news tip!

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