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Hey guys, Austin here with a site update!

As many of you already know, NE’s community has been growing stronger and stronger over the past few months, with more people commenting on stories, joining the forum, and increasing the overall level of community we have out there. Unfortunately, we know there are many, many more of you that visit the site and perhaps don’t have the time to comment or don’t have much to say! Whatever the case may be, Valay and I are always striving to bring in more community members to the site and get existing members more involved in whatever way possible. Because of this, we’ve designed a Nintendo Everything Facebook page for you to access at your convenience.

We have a few goals with the Facebook page, but (aside from bringing the most up to date news to you in the most convenient way possible!) the biggest one is to allow us to communicate more directly with the visitors of the site and get feedback on how we’re doing, suggestions on what could improve the site, or even just to discuss the latest news with everyone!

Anyway, without rambling on too much, I’ll just let you all be the judges! Become a fan of NintendoEverything on Facebook with just one click by clicking “Become a Fan” in the following box!

Jump to about halfway through the video to see the Mario part…

This video honestly had me laughing like crazy when I saw it. It’s so strange, yet awesome at the same time. Make sure you check it out!



Happy Hammerin’
Tomena Sanner

Nintendo DSiWare

Dragon’s Lair
High Stakes Texas Hold’em
Miami Nights: Life in the Spotlight


Platinum Games has started a rather interesting countdown on their official Japanese website, which should end in slightly less than a week. There’s no real clue as to what the company will be announcing, but some are speculating that Shinji Mikami’s project will finally be unveiled. The countdown page itself is actually pretty neat – You can check it out here.

About two weeks ago, we posted a listing of the best-selling games of 2009 in Japan, which was based on Famitsu data. Now numbers from Media Create have been calculated and unlike the Famitsu rankings, the list below is slightly more up-to-date (weeks 1 to 52).

01. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Square Enix) – 4.043.218 / NEW
02. [NDS] Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver (Pokemon Co.) – 3.465.000 / NEW
03. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 2.440.000 / NEW
04. [NDS] Friend Collection (Nintendo) – 2.317.000 / NEW

05. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix) – 1.690.000 / NEW
06. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) – 1.568.000 / NEW
07. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 1.315.000 / NEW
08. [WII] Monster Hunter 3 (Capcom) – 931.705 / NEW
09. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Threat of the Invaders – Fire / Blizzard (Level 5) – 908.000 / NEW

10. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP the Best) (Capcom) – 848.742 / 1.057.270


A few days ago, Mistwalker founder Hironobu Sakaguchi provided an update on his blog regarding the company’s newest project. Initially, there were plans to unveil the game this year, but Sakaguchi apologized and instead said that an announcement will be made sometime in 2010 instead. It’s now officially the first day of the new year in Japan and the blog has once again been refreshed with a short post. Sakaguchi noted that he is putting a lot of effort into the game and is trying to make it “the best project.”

“Happy New Year.
2010 is the year of my long-awaited new blockbuster project.
I’m putting my heart and soul into this production. I’m taking a full swing and making this the best project.
Oh, by the way, We are also working on a project for iPhone.
This should be released soon as well.
We will put our efforts together and do our best!
I’m sure you’ll Love it.”


Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Dark Spirits details

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News | 2 Comments


– Need to fly with four familiars
– Souls power the spirits
– 200 pints
– Genterprise also releasing D-Tank for DSiWare on January 14

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