Nintendo has been searching for a new PR Agency in the UK for a little while now and it seems that they have now found a new agency to work with. Pretty Green has been selected to handle the PR for Nintendo in the UK, replacing its previous agency 77PR. Pretty Green’s client roster includes; Nando, Virgin Media, and John Lewis. Their first big focus will be Splatoon as it is gearing up for launch soon.
Nintendo UK’s Jo Bartlett, Head of Communications said this of the new partnership:
We’re excited to be welcoming the PrettyGreen team into the Nintendo family. They’ve shown themselves to be creative and strategic in their thinking and we’re looking forward to working with them to deliver some fantastic campaigns for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in the months to come.
Pretty Green’s founder, Mark Stringer stated:
As an Agency we have a reputation for helping brands define and redefine creative culture and Nintendo is one of the most iconic brands out there; few can lay claim to having played such a consistent role in providing worldwide family entertainment for so long! It’s great to be embarking on a new journey with the Nintendo Team at such an exciting time for the brand.
The latest entry in the Fire Emblem series doesn’t release for another couple of months, and preorders for the Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If are already selling out like mad. Luckily, Nintendo plans to replenish the stock and will be sending out another shipment to retailers in due time so more people can get their copy when the game comes out on June 25th in Japan.
What makes the Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If so special is it has a two-in-one cartridge that comes with both the White Kingdom and Black Kingdom versions of the game. Along with that, you’ll receive a special trading card for the upcoming Fire Emblem 0 TCG, an art book as well as a third storyline within the game. Just a note, if you plan on getting the game digitally, you’ll be able to decide which route you’d like to take half way through the game as opposed to being predetermined by the cartridge you pick up.
Fire Emblem If is also slated to come out this year in the west. Which side have you chosen?
Big Hero 6 is the latest downloadable movie for 3DS systems in Japan. The film, which costs 3,240 yen, just came out today. Of course, 3D is supported!
Thanks to pdapandapda for the tip.
Square Enix prepared another set of Bravely Second screenshots/art, which show things like the new Fencer and Bishop jobs. View all of the images in the gallery below.
Xenoblade Chronicles X director Koh Kojima is at it again. Over on the official Twitter account, Kojima published a few more tweets about the game.
Today’s update is all about head gear. Kojima reveals that there is a setting which allows players to disable hear gear visuals, but maintain stats at the same time. Basically, it’s an option for those who want to see characters’ faces during cut-scenes while head gear remains equipped.
Below are Kojima’s full tweets:
There is one little thing to continue on an earlier topic. It comes close to what I tweeted on April 6th. There is a setting which allows you to disable the visuals of head gear (although it is equipped, it isn’t visible). People who don’t like that characters’ faces are hard to see in cut-scenes can relax with that. In contrary to the fashion equipment, you can set this starting from the first playthrough.
Update 2: Bumped to the top. Another email has been found. Arad said in one message that Keiko Erikawa, one of the founders of Koei Tecmo, was “instrumental to the Mario deal” – likely because of her relationship with Nintendo.

Update: We’ve posted a couple of other email exchanges below. It sounds like Sony was interested in Nintendo’s full stable of IPs!

You may remember that, last year, there was talk about Sony securing the rights to a Mario movie. That news came about due to a leak within Sony – specifically emails between top executives within the company and producer Avi Arad.
As it turns out, Sony wasn’t just interested in Mario. WikiLeaks has now obtained emails which reveal that the company was very much interested in creating a Smash Bros. movie as well. It seems that Arad would have been involved with this film, too.
Just like the Mario movie, specific details are not available at this time. There’s a good chance that both projects will never happen!