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New information has surfaced about the upcoming 25th Anniversary Fire Emblem concert set to happen in Japan this summer.

Here is the latest information:

– The concerts themselves are made of three parts

– The concert itself, by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra  will be led by Ikuro Fujiwara

– It will include a talk show with some of the developers from Intelligent Systems

– There will also be a mini-drama show with some of the voice actors from the series.

Intelligent Systems has also updated the official website for the event, with some details about the talk show. They confirm a few people that will be in attendance at the talk show.

– Masahiro Sakurai

– Kozaki Yuusuke (chara-designer for Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem if)

– several developers from Intelligent Systems

– several developers from Nintendo

– 2 special guests (to be announced)


A new password has been revealed for Pokémon Rumble World in Japan. This password will give you the ability to acquire a special Chansey with the moves Softboiled and Double-Edge as well as the trait Defense under the Gift trait. This special Chansey can be obtained through the password 30743419, which was given out on the Daisuki Club website.


Nintendo has been searching for a new PR Agency in the UK for a little while now and it seems that they have now found a new agency to work with. Pretty Green has been selected to handle the PR for Nintendo in the UK, replacing its previous agency 77PR. Pretty Green’s client roster includes; Nando, Virgin Media, and John Lewis. Their first big focus will be Splatoon as it is gearing up for launch soon.

Nintendo UK’s Jo Bartlett, Head of Communications said this of the new partnership:

We’re excited to be welcoming the PrettyGreen team into the Nintendo family. They’ve shown themselves to be creative and strategic in their thinking and we’re looking forward to working with them to deliver some fantastic campaigns for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in the months to come.

Pretty Green’s founder, Mark Stringer stated:

As an Agency we have a reputation for helping brands define and redefine creative culture and Nintendo is one of the most iconic brands out there; few can lay claim to having played such a consistent role in providing worldwide family entertainment for so long! It’s great to be embarking on a new journey with the Nintendo Team at such an exciting time for the brand.


The latest entry in the Fire Emblem series doesn’t release for another couple of months, and preorders for the Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If are already selling out like mad. Luckily, Nintendo plans to replenish the stock and will be sending out another shipment to retailers in due time so more people can get their copy when the game comes out on June 25th in Japan.

What makes the Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If so special is it has a two-in-one cartridge that comes with both the White Kingdom and Black Kingdom versions of the game. Along with that, you’ll receive a special trading card for the upcoming Fire Emblem 0 TCG, an art book as well as a third storyline within the game. Just a note, if you plan on getting the game digitally, you’ll be able to decide which route you’d like to take half way through the game as opposed to being predetermined by the cartridge you pick up.

Fire Emblem If is also slated to come out this year in the west. Which side have you chosen?


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Big Hero 6 is the latest downloadable movie for 3DS systems in Japan. The film, which costs 3,240 yen, just came out today. Of course, 3D is supported!

Thanks to pdapandapda for the tip.


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