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Bandai Namco

My Hero: One's Justice

Bandai Namco has confirmed the localization of My Hero Academia: One’s Justice. The action game based on the popular anime will launch in Europe and North America sometime in 2018.


Bandai Namco has just confirmed that Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus is coming to the Nintendo Switch. The game will be releasing on February 22nd and will include a new 2 player co-op mode exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.


This month’s issue of V Jump has a very interesting tease about the future of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

The Japanese magazine shares first images and details about a new original character named Fuu. He could be a member of the demon clan, but that isn’t entirely confirmed just yet.

My Hero: One's Justice

At Jump Festa 2018 today, Bandai Namco debuted the first teaser and footage for My Hero Academia: One’s Justice. We have both videos below.

Bandai Namco released a new trailer and commercial for its Switch release One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition. We have the two videos below.

The expansion of Twitch Prime to Japan is being celebrated with a new promotion for Pokken Tournament. Members can receive Pokken Tournament DX in-game items and twelve exclusive Pokemon emotes this month.

As an early present from Twitch Prime and Pokemon, free in-game item codes have been shared for Pokken Tournament DX. You can redeem the following:

– In-game Avatar Holiday Ornament Item: Redeem using code QRRZ7LBS4TDV in-game
– In-game Avatar Male Cat Whiskers Item with 7 color variations: Redeem using code LT48EFNGRBRZ in-game
– In-game Avatar Female Cat Whiskers Items with 7 color variations: Redeem using code L9VPUW8QN9TB in-game
– In-game Avatar Holiday Title Item: Redeem using code 5W6LEN4TNVF5 in-game


Bandai Namco has recently filed a trademark for “One’s Justice” in Europe. This may very well imply that the game is going to get a western localization.

While the game is currently slated for release in Japan only, this copyright may serve as a symbol of peace for fans of the game elsewhere.

We’ll just have to wait until Jump Festa 2018, when a trailer is due, to see what this quirky game has to offer. Hopefully it goes beyond! Plus Ultra!


Bandai Namco has opened up the My Hero Academia: One’s Justice Japanese website which provides some details about the game and provides some screenshots and art. Here is a short description of the game from Gematsu:


Fight, for every justice—. My Hero Academia appears as a battle action game where “Quirks” collide! Experience diverse battles on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch through realistic stage destruction by using superhuman powers called “Quirks,” and take full advantage of the buildings and walls placed throughout the stage. Go Plus Ultra with My Hero Academia: One’s Justice.

New Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC is available featuring Tapion, Android 13, Dabura, and Buu (Gohan absorbed) as the latest playable characters. Have a look at some footage below.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Earlier in the week, a new update for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 went live. It was highlighted by the addition of the free Hero Colosseum and data for the Extra Pack 1 DLC.

The full patch notes for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 version 1.08.00 have come in. While they’re for the PlayStation 4 version, we expect most (if not all) of the notes to pertain to Switch as well.

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