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Bravely Default

Square Enix has released a special notebook replica for Bravely Default based on the one found in the game. It’s available through the publisher’s Japanese store for 2,000 yen. The notebook contains 192 blank pages to write in, wrapped in silver foil, and downloadable costume codes that previously came with the drama CD.


Bravely Default is about to hit Europe, and as such, a few reviews have slowly started to trickle in. They’ve all been pretty much positive across the board.

Square Enix seems to be pleased with the game’s overseas reaction thus far. Earlier this week, the official Bravely Default Twitter account tweeted the following:

“Bravely Default is a game that was designed only taking RPG fans in Japan into consideration. We thought overseas expansion was impossible. Seeing this much anticipation moves me deeply.”

Source, Via


Nintendo hasn’t entirely removed Bravely Default’s “Where the Fairy Flies” subtitle for the European release of the game, despite what we had originally expected. The extra tag can be seen at the screen where players load their selected save file. While it appears that “Where the Fairy Flies” only appears on the screen above, we can’t say so with absolutely certainty.



Bravely Default is now simply called… Bravely Default in Europe. Nintendo was originally planning a “Where the Fairy Flies” subtitle, but it has since been dropped.

Review copies starting to make their way around confirm that Bravely Default does not contain a subtitle of any kind in Europe. That should be the case for North America as well.



Bravely Default is just a few weeks away from launching in Europe. How many blocks will you need to reserve on an SD card in order to download the game from the eShop? The game will require about 26,500 blocks of free space, which translates to over 3GB.


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