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monster hunter stories monsties

If you’ve played the Monster Hunter Stories series, you’re probably familiar with the term called “monsties”. That’s because these games have a unique term for its creatures. Rather than going with something simple like “monsters”, a new “monsties” term was created.

So how did that term come to be in the first place? Speaking with Waypoint, English localization editor Joseph Detwiler explained:

Capcom has been releasing several crossover-themed pieces of downloadable content for Monster Hunter Rise, adding themed quests and armor sets based on popular characters from other Capcom games. The latest addition includes Rush from the Mega Man series, check out a trailer below.

monster hunter stories 2 update 1.3.0

The new 1.3.0 update for Monster Hunter Stories 2 has just been made available. It includes new monsters, co-op quests, and subquests. A bunch of bug fixes have also been implemented.

Below are the full patch notes:

Capcom has announced a third content update for Monster Hunter Stories 2. Arriving on September 2, this new update will add 3 new Monsties and 4 new Quests. Check out a trailer for the new content below.

Capcom has unveiled the latest downloadable content for Monster Hunter Rise, including the ability to play as Street Fighter’s Akuma. Check it out with the trailer below.

This content will be available on August 27, with more content headed to Monster Hunter Rise this Fall.

Monster Hunter Rise

A new Item Pack is up for grabs in Monster Hunter Rise. Capcom just made “Guild Provisions 2” available to all players for free.

The pack includes the following:

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

Here’s an interesting tidbit about Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin. In the game’s launch month – which was July – it has already outsold the first game on 3DS. In fact, it has actually more than tripled the lifetime sales of the original title.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin came in strong on the just-released NPD charts for July. It managed to come in third for the month.

On July 19, Capcom announced that the game had already shipped over one million copies worldwide. 


The next notable update for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is here. Capcom is now offering version 1.2.0.

New monsters, co-op quests, and subquests have been added. A couple of fixes have been implemented as well.

Below are the full patch notes:

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

Capcom has shared a new trailer for the next major update in Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin. The game is adding a co-op quest exclusive monster Kulve Taroth as well as Hellblade Glavenus and Boltreaver Astalos.

Here’s the video:

Players are now able to take on the Okami crossover event in Monster Hunter Rise. Additionally, the second Challenge Quest is now available. Both quest’s details and rewards can be seen below:

  • Quest 13: Rising Sun!? (July 30th)
    • Objective:Deliver 16 White Wolf Pictures
    • Locale:Shrine Ruins
    • Conditions:None
    • Rewards:Materials for “Ammy Costume” (Palamute layered armor set based on Amaterasu from Okami)
  • Quest 2 (July 30th)
    • Objective:Slay a Zinogre
    • Locale:Arena
    • Conditions:Hunter Rank: HR 4 or higher, Party Size: Two Players Max


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