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Devolver Digital

Developer Sectordub and publisher Devolver Digital have announced Pikuniku for Switch. The game, a puzzle-exploration game, is slated for launch in 2018.

Enter the Gungeon was one of the anticipated games announced for Switch several months back. We haven’t heard too much about the port in recent times, but some news was shared as part of an update for Steam players.

Right now the plan is to have Enter the Gungeon on Switch this fall. The team also hopes to ready the big content patch Advanced Gungeons & Draguns around the same time as the PC version. This will include “requested changes, quality of life and convenience features, hundreds of new and substantially more powerful synergies, a bunch of new guns and items, and getting revenge on the Gungeon’s most hated resident, our new boss.” Players can also expect “new rooms, npcs, secrets, and a new mini-boss”.


Devolver Digital

Devolver Digital sent out a tweet last October following a meeting with Nintendo. It went well, as the company said it was “confident” about some of its titles appearing on Switch in 2017.

A new update posted on Devolver Digital’s Twitter account just a few minutes ago notes that its “first Switch game is coming, hopefully later this year”. It also sounds like we’ll be hearing some news out of GDC 2017 next week.

The tweet is as follows:


Devolver Digital

Devolver Digital tweeted out that fans can likely expect to see their titles on the Nintendo Switch in 2017.

Known for publishing titles like as Hotline Miami, Titan Souls and OlliOlli, Devolver Digital have said that they will be publishing titles on the Nintendo Switch next year, stating that they’ve “met with Nintendo last week”. You can view the full tweet below.



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