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Dragalia Lost

A Gala Dragalia Remix is live now in Dragalia Lost with some new characters to summon. The newly added adventurers are: five star Saiga (wind/close-range manacaster) and five star Armored Yachiyo (flame/blade). The five star version of Gala Leif (wind/sword) and Gala Reborn Zephyr (wind) can also be summoned in this showcase.

A quick glimpse of these new characters can be seen below and the Gala Dragalia Remix will last until May 17, 2021.

Check out what’s new in Dragalia Lost:

The Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes and Fire Emblem: Kindred Ties events will be added to the event compendium on May 16, 11 PM PT. The adventurers Alfonse and Sharena will join you as you play though these events — so if you missed out on them before, this would be a good time to go back and experience the content firsthand. 

Check out the latest events in Dragalia Lost:

Nintendo and Cygames are gearing up for a new Prize Showcase in Dragalia Lost. The five-star characters Grimnir and Rose Queen are both featured this time around.

Below are the full event details:

A new Platinum Showcase has gone live in Dragalia Lost. This summoning showcase features the flame-attuned 5 star adventurers Faris and Child Ranzal. They will be available to summon until May 12, 2021 at 10:59pm PT.

Also live now is Jaldabaoth’s Piercing Gale Rise of the Sinister Dominion. This can only be accessed after completing Chapter 16 / 4-6 of the main story, and it offers a reward that gives players sixth and seventh wyrmprint slots for their flame-attuned Agito weapons. This battle is not easy though, as it has enemies that can change its elemental attunement mid-battle. Players can prepare two teams for this reason, so they can best repel enemy attacks. 

Check out the latest events in Dragalia Lost:

Along with today’s update, a new Gala Dragalia will be arriving in Dragalia Lost. Check out the current events after the break:

Update version 2.7.0 is now available for Dragalia Lost. Players can download it right now, or wait for the automatic update that will occur around Apr. 27, 8 PM PT. Check out the full patch notes after the break:

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