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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has a new promotion in store just in time for the holidays. Fae, Ephraim, Eirika are set to be featured in the latest summoning event. A new Paralogue Story will also be included.

Fire Emblem Heroes – Gifts of Winter goes live on December 17 at 11 PM PT and December 18 around the rest of the world. We have a trailer for the event below.

My Nintendo is celebrating the arrival of Book III in Fire Emblem Heroes with a pair of new rewards. Both are wallpapers, as shown in this post. They cost 50 Platinum Points each.

If interested, you can order either of the wallpapers here.

You are now able to play Illusory Dungeon – Kingdom of Shadows, a tap battle game within Fire Emblem Heroes running through December 20. The event includes daily challenges to earn different types of rewards. There will also be tap battle quests beginning on December 17. You can find more information on the app.

Other than the two New Power Summoning Foci, we’ve got two other bits of Fire Emblem Heroes news for you today. Intelligent Systems revealed the event calendar for the game up through January, which you can see above. All of the regular events are present as usual, and there will also be two Special Heroes summoning events, which will likely be Christmas and New Years-themed, given their timing.

Also, Tactics Drills got its usual Thursday update today. The new map “A Merciful Boost”can be found in the Skill Studies section.

Two new Summoning Focuses are now live in Fire Emblem Heroes, themed “New Power 1” and “New Power 2”.

These sets include heroes who recently got new weapon skills as part of the latest software update. This includes Robin (High Deliverer) and Ogma (Loyal Blade) in New Power 1, and Palla (Eldest Whitewing), Est (Junior Whitewing), and Catria (Middle Whitewing) as part of New Power 2.

These Summoning Focuses are expected to last until December 23rd.


To accompany the start of Bound Hero Battle: Ike & Soren, three heroes are now part of a 5★ summoning focus. They are:

  • Ike: Young Mercenary
  • Soren: Shrewd Strategist
  • Elincia: Lost Princess

Learn more about the event in the Fire Emblem Heroes app.

Yesterday, Fire Emblem Heroes was updated with brand new Book III story content. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Following today’s Feh Channel presentation, the next big Fire Emblem Heroes update went live. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are now distribution version 3.0.0.

Below are the official patch notes:

Nintendo has put out an official announcement recapping all of the news regarding Book III in Fire Emblem Heroes. Read it in full below.

Nintendo has shared a couple of new videos for Fire Emblem Heroes. Both are related to Book III, including the full Feh Channel presentation and movie. We’ve included them below.

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