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Fire Emblem Heroes

A new Legendary Summoning Focus is now live. It features 5 star versions of Ephraim, Jaffar, Gaius, Corrin, Leo, Ike, Olivia, Dorcas, Mia, Shiro, Gunnthrá, and Ike. More details in this post. This summoning focus will be available until March 5th.

There is also a new Paralogue Story available called “Xenologue 3: Hero The World Demands” and you can get a 5 star version of Ike, the Vanguard Legend for clearing it.

A set of new quests are now available that pretain to using heroes with water blessing, you’ll have a chance to earn some more orbs. There have also been adjustments to the arena match making in that were mentioned earlier.

As part of a new event, Ephraim: Legendary Lord will be showing up in Fire Emblem Heroes. A few other characters will be appearing as well. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems will be offering an 8% five-star focus rate for this banner.

We have a trailer for the event featuring Ephraim below. It kicks off around the world tomorrow.

Firstly the newest summoning focus has just gone live including characters: Celica, Robin (male), Takumi and Zelgius. On top of that the next voting gauntlet will be the Shadow in the Mirror featuring: both versions regular and fallen version of Celica, Robin and Takumi. Zelgius and the Black Knight are also available to choose.

Fire Emblem Heroes update

Nintendo has provided first details on a new Fire Emblem Heroes update. Version 2.3.0 is planned for March.

The update will be highlighted by a few different features. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are adding a new type of map known as Rival Domains, a regular type of map called Blessed Gardens, new weapon skills, and more weapons that can be refined.

Here’s a full rundown of the update:

The Takumi: Empty Vessel – Grand Hero Battle started in Fire Emblem Heroes earlier today. For a look at the event, watch the video below.

Another event is now up and running in Fire Emblem Heroes. Starting today, players can partake in the Grand Hero Battle – Takumi: Empty Vessel.

You can challenge Takumi to Hard, Lunatic, and Infernal and difficulties. You’ll get one copy of him each time he’s defeated, and if you beat him on Infernal, you’ll be rewarded with 2,000 Hero Feathers.

Grand Hero Battle – Takumi: Empty Vessel will be live until March 8.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have revealed the results of the final round for A Hero Rises in Fire Emblem Heroes. The vote was close between Ike and Tharja, but it was Ike who was ultimately selected.

The full results for the final round are as follows:

Ike (Vanguard Legend) – 130,622 votes
Tharja (“Normal Girl”) – 126,199 votes
Azura (Lady of Ballards) – 71,780 votes
Hector (General of Ostia) – 68,302 votes

Nintendo will make Ike: Vanguard available starting on February 28. Meanwhile, you can view the top 100 results from the first round of A Hero Rises below.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has updated with the new “Blood and Snow” story chapter. For a look at the latest addition, check out the gameplay video below.

Nintendo has released some official art for the new Fallen Heroes summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes, which features Hardin, Celica, and Robin. We have the images below.

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