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Fire Emblem Heroes

A new summoning focus is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. The summoning focus is called “Effective Against Cavalryā€¯ and it features 5 star versions of Gray, Mathilda, and Rhajat. This summoning focus will be available until January 18th.

Fire Emblem Heroes

The new Winter Festival vs. New Year’s Voting Gauntlet has officially started in Fire Emblem Heroes. Take a look at some footage below.

Fire Emblem Heroes is celebrating the new year in a few different ways. These include log-in bonuses, special maps, and quests.

First, Nintendo is offering a log-in bonus where you can obtain 20 Orbs when you log in up to 10 times. Between January 1 and January 3, special maps will be available to earn Orbs (up to 18 in total). And lastly, you’ll be able to partake in quests until January 8 to earn Orbs and Stamina Potions.

To celebrate 2018, Fire Emblem Heroes started a New Year’s event, including a new paralogue map. Check out some footage below.

Fire Emblem Heroes’ New Year celebration has officially started. As part of a new summoning focus, some Special Heroes have appeared wearing traditional New Year’s garb – specifically Camilla, Takumi, and Azura.

Nintendo will also be starting a new event tomorrow. Voting Gauntlet: Winter Festival vs. New Year’s will feature the following:

– Robin: Festive Tactician
– Lissa: Pure Joy
– Chrom: Gifted Leader
– Tharja: “Normal Girl”
– Azura: Celebratory Spirit
– Camilla: Holiday Traveler
– Takumi: Prince of Soup
– Ryoma: Peerless Samurai

Fire Emblem Heroes is about to kick off its New Year’s event. It will feature Azura, Takumi, and Camilla in special garb.

We have official art of the different characters below. You’ll also find a couple of images that act as calendars / wallpapers for January.


Fire Emblem Heroes has updated once again with content. Players can partake in the latest Bound Hero Battle and summoning focus.

Here’s the official description of the Bound Hero Battle:

“Liege and retainer from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Raven: Peerless Fighter and Lucius: The Light are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Raven & Lucius. Take on Hard through Infernal modes to get Orbs!”

As for the summoning focus, you can obtain Raven: Peerless Fighter, Lucius: The Light, and Priscilla: Delicate Princess. The first time you summon, you won’t have to use any Orbs.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

As previously stated, the New Year will bring Fire Emblem Heroes a few more themed heroes. Azura, Takumi, and Camilla will all be getting various forms. You can check them out in action below.

The Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account announced that a new summoning focus will go live on December 31st. They didn’t announce which units would be featured on the focus though, only posting the silhouettes of two units. However, a new patch for the game went live today and dataminers found out that it also contains all the data about that upcoming summoning focus. The four featured units in the focus will be Takumi, Azura, male Corrin and Camilla, all sporting traditional Hoshidan New Year’s outfits (i.e. kimonos). Takumi uses daggers, Azura is a flying axe user, Corrin uses bows and Camilla is a flying sword user.


Fire Emblem Heroes has kicked off a couple of new events. The Legendary Heroes summoning, first announced yesterday, is now live. You can also earn double EXP and SP in battle.

For the Legendary Heroes summoning, you can get Gunnthra: Voice f Dreams. Nintendo is also offering 5-star Special Heroes that were released previously. 5-star Focus Heroes will have an initial appearance rate of 8% as well, and the rate for regular 5-star Heroes will be 0%.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

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