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Fire Emblem Heroes

New content is available today in Fire Emblem Heroes, including a new Summoning Event and new maps. Here are the details:

Ullr: The Bowmaster is joining Fire Emblem Heroes as the game’s next Mythic Hero, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced. The character originates from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

The same event will let players summon previously released 5-star New Heroes, Legendary Heroes, and Mythic Heroes.

Ullr: The Bowmaster goes live in Fire Emblem Heroes on July 29. View a trailer below.

Several new events are going live in Fire Emblem Heroes, including a new Summoning Focus, new Bound Hero Battles, and a new Voting Gauntlet. Check out the details below:

A new Summoning Event is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes, Heroes with Solo Skills. Here are the details:

  • Heroes with Solo skills are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus! Heroes with Solo skills are granted up to +7 to certain stats during combat if they are not adjacent to any ally. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

A new Summoning Event is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes, Legendary Hero Remix. Additionally, a new Tactics Drills map is available. Here are the details:

  • Robin: Fell Vessel and Lyn: Lady of the Wind are back with new skills in Legendary Hero Remix! Eight Legendary Heroes and other Heroes are a part of a 5-star focus with an initial appearance rate of 6%. There are two Legendary Hero Battle revivals too!
  • A new map, Ice and Rulebreaker, is now available in Tactics Drills: Skill Studies! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills!


Fire Emblem Heroes - Book V

Intelligent Systems has announced that a new update is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes on August 3 in North America and August 4 in Europe and Japan. Here’s what’s new:

A new Grand Hero is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes through Grand Hero Battles. Here are the details:

  • From the Fire Emblem Fates games, a new Grand Hero, Arete: Requiem’s Beauty, is waiting in Special Maps. Defeat the queen of Nohr who was manipulated by the king of Valla to make her your ally!

Fire Emblem Heroes will soon be kicking off a new summoning event known as Dawning Reality & Nifl. It will feature Charlotte, Nyx, Orochi, and Nifl. A new story chapter is also planned.

Dawning Reality & Nifl begins in Fire Emblem Heroes on July 19. We have a trailer for the event below.

A new Summoning Event is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes, Heroes with Null Skills. Here are the details:

  • Heroes with Null skills are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus! These Null skills neutralize effects that prevent unit’s follow-up attacks or counterattacks during combat. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

A new Summoning Event is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out the details for the New Power Summoning Focus below.

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