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Fire Emblem Heroes

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have pulled back the curtain on the next summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes. In just a few days, the game will be hosting “From a Future Past”. It will feature Yarne, Kjelle, Brady, and Nah.

From a Future Past goes live in Fire Emblem Heroes on June 11. View a trailer for the event below.

Nintendo just released a brand new Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes. You can watch the full video below.

The first element shown is the Concert Hall in Aether Resort, which allows players to listen to songs from across the Fire Emblem series. Songs can be set for the Concert Hall, home screen, Aether Raids, and Aether Resort.

A new skill-based Summoning Focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. This time, featured skill is Flier Formation. The 5-star focus units are Elincia: Lost Princess, Hinoka: Blue Sky Warrior and Leanne: Forest’s Song. The Summoning Focus will be available until June 16.

Also, since it’s Thursday, Tactics Drills has received an update. The new map “As Archers Advance” can be found in the Grandmaster section.

The Marital Bonds Voting Gauntlet is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. As always, the Voting Gauntlet lasts for six days, separated into three 48-hour rounds. The first-round matchups are Pent vs Sigurd, Bartre vs Quan, Louise vs Deirdre and Karla vs Ethlyn.

Additionally, Intelligent Systems has revealed that in a update coming to the game sometime this June, the Weapon Refinery will be updated, adding the following new weapon skills:

  • Loyal Greatlance for Oscar: Agile Horseman
  • Saizo’s Star for Saizo: Angry Ninja
  • Kagero’s Dart for Kagero: Honorable Ninja

Also, the weapon of Elincia: Lost Princess, Amiti, will be able to be upgraded and gain additional effects by using Arena Medals and Divine Dew.

Fire Emblem Heroes is gearing up for its next Voting Gauntlet. Martial Bonds starts on June 3, featuring four pairs of couples competing for first place. Players are advised to train up the Hero they wish to support and get ready for the event.

Ahead of the new Voting Gauntlet, a new summoning event has gone live. Four Heroes fighting to protect love ones are available as part of a 5-start summoning focus.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced a new event for Fire Emblem Heroes featuring Mythic Hero Naga: Dragon Divinity. Other characters will be appearing as well.

This latest event kicks off on May 30. View a trailer for what’s to come below.

A new Bound Hero Battle is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. It features Leif & Nanna from Thracia 776. It’ll be available until June 5th. A Summoning Focus themed around the BHB battle is also available for the same time. The 5-star focus units are Leif: Prince of Leonster, Nanna: Nordion Princess and Lachesis: Lionheart’s Sister.

Also, the Deep Bonds event is now live. This is actually several events centered around bonds to celebrate the currently available wedding-themed Summoning Foci; most of them will last until June 10. The events are as follows:

  • Deep Bonds Log-in Bonus: a log-in bonus of two orbs each day until June 10
  • Aether Raids Event: get SP Aether Stones by completing quests and use them to build special structures
  • AR Mock Battle Quests: get 10 Aether Stones once a day by winning an AR Mock Battle
  • Pair Down Quests: a set of quest requiring you to use two or fewer allies
  • the BHB mentioned above
  • Voting Gauntlet: Marital Bonds, which will run from June 3 to June 9
  • Double EXP & SP until June 10

Another summoning event is live in Fire Emblem Heroes. This time around, three Heroes with the Dragon Fang skill are available in the 5-star summoning focus. This skill boosts damage by 50% of their Atk.

You can participate in Summoning Focus: Heroes with Dragon Fang until June 6.

Tempest Trials+: The Holy Guard has started in Fire Emblem Heroes. This time around, players can obtain the 5-star Special Hero Louise: Eternal Devotion and two Sacred Seals, Spd/Res 1 and Brazen Atk/Spd 1 as rewards.

Clear maps to raise your score and earn rewards. If you finish daily quests, you can receive Refining Stones as well.

Tempest Trials+: The Holy Guard will be live until June 4.

The very first wedding-themed Summoning Focus is back in Fire Emblem Heroes. Bridal Blessings will be available until June 24, allowing you to summon special versions of Lyn, Caeda, Cordelia and Charlotte.

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