7 Star Skeledirge guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 day ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Skeledirge Tera Raid Battle Event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide for potential checks and counters. It continues from now until March 13, after which the Quaquaval Tera Raid Battle event will become active instead. This Skeledirge is Tera Fire, so you’ll need to bring Pokemon who resist or are immune to its Torch Song attack, which can easily cause Skeledirge to snowball out of control. If you’re looking to topple this powerful opponent, have a look at our tips and strategies down below.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Legends: Z-A is taking a page out of Xenoblade for its battle system
Posted on 1 week ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Our first proper look at Pokemon Legends: Z-A has happened during as part of Pokemon Presents, and following that showcase, the game’s battle system has been drawing comparisons to Xenoblade Chronicles.
Pokemon Legends: Z-A features real time battles, allowing Trainers and Pokemon to move around the field as they engage in combat. When it comes to attacks, those are done through Trainer commands. However, you can’t just initiate moves at will. The game has different lengths of time needed for moves to be performed.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Legends Z-A
7 Star Meowscarada guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 1 week ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Meowscarada Tera Raid Battle Event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide for potential checks and counters. It continues from now until March 6, after which the Skeledirge Tera Raid Battle event will become active instead. This Meowscarada is Tera Grass, so you’ll need to bring Pokemon who resist or are immune to its powerful Flower Trick attack. If you’re looking to topple this powerful opponent, have a look at our tips and strategies down below.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
List of all confirmed Pokemon for Pokemon Legends: Z-A
Posted on 1 week ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Now that we’ve gotten an extended look at Pokemon Legends: Z-A, we’ve put together a list of all confirmed Pokemon for the game. This post will be updated leading up to launch.
The lineup is largely based on trailers as well as footage that’s been released thus far. Although there’s still plenty more to learn, over 100 creatures have already been confirmed. Even more should be revealed leading up to launch.
Below is the full list:
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Legends Z-A
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mystery Gift codes
Posted on 1 week ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
We’ve started up a new post containing all Mystery Gift codes for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. This hub will be updated throughout the lifecycle of the two games with all codes and other distributions as they’re announced.
Codes and distributions can provide all sorts of things. Redeeming them will give you special Pokemon offered in distributions, certain items, and more.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announce Tera Raid Battles with Meowscarada, Skelidirge, Quaquaval
Posted on 1 week ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have announced not one, but three upcoming Tera Raid Battles with Meowscarada, Skelidirge, and Quaquaval.
All three will be showing up in 7 Star Raids. Additionally, they’ll come with the Mightiest Mark. Each of these Pokemon can be caught once per save file.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Legends: Z-A reveals first details and gameplays trailer
Posted on 1 week ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos | 0 comments
A year after it was announced, Pokemon Legends Z-A has finally reemerged. The game was just highlighted on Pokemon Presents 2025, an annual showcase that celebrates the franchise’s anniversary with the latest news and announcements.
Chikorita, Tepig, Totodile are the starters this time. Wild zones set up that give Pokémon habitats where they can thrive. Catching Pokemon works similarly to how things were in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. However, there’s a new style of battling – moves can have a shorter or longer reach as well as a different area of effect. Also, as previously teased, Mega Evolution is included.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Legends Z-A, top
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet start Jumpluff distribution for 2025 International Championships
Posted on 2 weeks ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
In celebration of the 2025 Pokemon Europe International Championships, a new distribution is being held in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet featuring Jumpluff.
Jumpluff was actually one of the creatures in Marco Silva’s party, which helped lead him to victory in the 2025 Pokemon Latin America International Championships. Coming in at level 50, its moves are Sleep Powder, Sunny Day, Tailwind, and Rage Powder. Covert Cloak is its held item.
Follow these steps to claim the new Pokemon:
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Completing the National Pokedex in 2025 is almost impossible – the toughest Pokemon to catch
Posted on 3 weeks ago by Ethan in Features, Switch | 0 comments
We’ve been in the late era of the original Nintendo Switch’s life span for a good while now, which means it’s as good a time as any to work on a Pokedex. At the time of writing, there are a whopping 1,025 existing Pokemon, and the only way to hoard ’em all at once is to put them in Pokemon Home. To be clear, I’d finished my “Living Dex” a long while ago – but to fill the time between Nintendo’s official releases, I decided to redo my entire Living Dex – but with every Pokemon caught in a standard Poke Ball and with my OT (which means traded Pokemon don’t count towards it). If you don’t know this already, a Living Dex is when you have every single Pokemon in the game stored in your boxes. That means the entire evolutionary line, and in my case, every gender difference and form difference for each Pokemon as well.
Working on a Living Dex in 2025 made me realize how absurdly difficult it is to complete this task in 2025. Having completed all of the main series Pokemon games, this was much easier for me than for someone just starting a Living Dex project. But today, I’ll explain what the toughest Pokemon to obtain for Living Dex purposes are and how to go about obtaining them in the easiest way. Surprisingly, there are also a lot of Pokemon that cannot legitimately be caught in a standard Poke Ball along with your OT. We’ll be going over those too.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon, top
How to complete the BDSP Pokedex in Pokemon Home
Posted on 1 month ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Recently, Pokemon Home began two exclusive distributions: Shiny Manaphy and Shiny Enamorus, which can only be obtained by completing the Pokedex categories for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Pokemon Legends Arceus, respectively. Normally, you’d have to Google locations for every single Pokemon and look at all sorts of resources in order to finish the Pokedex – but we’ve done all that for you and organized all the information you’ll need in one place. If you’re looking to finish your BDSP Pokedex to redeem a Shiny Manaphy, look no further.