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How to complete Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Pokedex Pokemon Home

Recently, Pokemon Home began two exclusive distributions: Shiny Manaphy and Shiny Enamorus, which can only be obtained by completing the Pokedex categories for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Pokemon Legends Arceus, respectively. Normally, you’d have to Google locations for every single Pokemon and look at all sorts of resources in order to finish the Pokedex – but we’ve done all that for you and organized all the information you’ll need in one place. If you’re looking to finish your BDSP Pokedex to redeem a Shiny Manaphy, look no further.

A new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet distribution has been announced featuring the Eevee Flying Tera Type distribution, though it’ll require a little bit of effort.

Most distributions for the games involving inputting a code via Mystery Gift. This time around, however, you’ll need to visit a specific store. Those in the United States will be able to check in with Best Buy or GameStop. For Canada, it’s GameStop or Toys “R” Us. Finally, in Australia and New Zealand, stop by a local EB Games. You’ll get a code card while supplies last.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Tera Raid Milcery

Yet another Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet Tera Raid Battle has been revealed, and the latest one puts the spotlight on Milcery.

This one appears to be tying in with Valentine’s Day. During the event, players will be able to earn various items such as sweets, which are used to evolve Milcery. Note that the creature will be popping up in 5 Star Raids.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Tera Raid Scream Tail, Iron Bundle

The latest Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid Battle event was just announced, this time with Scream Tail and Iron Bundle.

If you have Pokemon Scarlet, you’ll see Scream Tail. For Pokemon Violet players, Iron Bundle will be showing up. Both will be available in 5 Star Raids.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Mystery Gift codes

We’ve started up a new post containing all Mystery Gift codes for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. This hub will be updated throughout the lifecycle of the two games with all codes and other distributions as they’re announced.

Codes and distributions can provide all sorts of things. Redeeming them will give you special Pokemon offered in distributions, certain items, and more.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Alolan Exeggutor Tera Raid Battle

For those playing Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, the next Tera Raid Battle event was just revealed which focuses on Alolan Exeggutor.

Alolan Exeggutor will be popping up in 5 Star Raids. It will carry the Dragon Tera Type.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shiny Rayquaza Raid Guide

Starting today, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are hosting a 5-Star Shiny Rayquaza raid event that’s accessible to all players. Previous raid events we’ve reported on have been 7 stars, which are significantly more difficult. In other words, even though this is a Legendary Pokemon raid, it shouldn’t give you quite as much trouble as the other raid events Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have hosted in the past. Here’s how to take down and catch the Shiny Rayquaza raid before the event ends on January 5, 2025.

Today, we’re looking at all the unlucky Pokemon who have not been obtainable in any main series Nintendo Switch games.

The Nintendo Switch has seen two generations of Pokemon so far – three if you count the Let’s Go games. We’ve got the eighth generation, which includes Sword and Shield, Legends: Arceus, and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. And then there’s the ninth generation, which so far only includes Scarlet and Violet but will eventually include Legends: Z-A when it releases in 2025. With all those different games, though, there are still quite a few Pokemon that haven’t been usable in any new main series titles. To clarify what that means – today, we’re going to go over every Pokemon that has not appeared in Sword, Shield, Legends: Arceus, Scarlet, or Violet. Since Let’s Go, Pikachu and Eevee and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes, we aren’t counting them for this list even though they are technically main series games. One final note before we begin – The Pokemon Company has clarified that the Legends games do in fact count as main series.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Shiny Rayquaza Raid

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet just revealed a special Tera Raid Battle event featuring Shiny Rayquaza.

Shiny Rayquaza, which will carry the Dragon Tera Type, will be appearing in 5 Star Raids. As always, it can only be caught once per save file.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Shiny Pelipper

For a limited time, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet can claim a new Shiny Pelipper distribution. This is being held in celebration of the Latin America International Championships this weekend.

Pelipper comes in at level 50. Its moves are Protect, Weather Ball, Hurricane, and Wide Guard. Additionally, it’ll be holding the Focus Sash item. Lastly, it has the Ghost Tera Type.

Here’s a quick lineup of instructions of how to claim the new distribution:

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