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Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ditto location

Ditto makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about its location and how to identify it in the games.

pokemon scarlet violet eevee location

Eevee and its evolutions make a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about the location of this often-elusive, highly sought-after Pokemon.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet sales 10 million

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet sold over ten million copies in its first three days on the market, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have announced. This is a worldwide figure based on physical and digital sales. It’s the highest global sales level for any software on any Nintendo platform within the first three days.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet frame rate resolution

A new video from Digital Foundry has explored the technical side of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, including frame rate and resolution.

Unfortunately, the games just aren’t up to snuff in this department. That doesn’t mean the actual gameplay is bad. Across the board though, the titles are by all accounts disappointing – frame rate, resolution, glitches, and more don’t meet standards that many had hoped for.

Pokemon Scarlet duplication glitch shinies

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have been around for less than a week, but a new duplication glitch has been discovered that even works with shiny versions of Pokemon. Austin John Plays shared his findings on YouTube.

The glitch itself is actually very easy to perform, but there are some caveats to keep in mind. Ultimately, the main thing to remember is that it only works for full towns that don’t have a loading door. The glitch isn’t compatible with random Pokemon Centers in the wild or Team Star compounds. You’ll need to try this with establishments that will despawn Pokemon.

How to evolve Bramblin Brambleghast Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Bramblin is one of the newest Pokemon as featured in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information regarding how to evolve it into Brambleghast.

pokemon scarlet violet

Original (11/20): We have the first sales data for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, courtesy of UK data shared by the GfK.

It turns out that these titles mark the biggest boxed game launch of the year. Opening week sales were four percent higher than that of FIFA 23, which was the previous biggest.

How to evolve Girafarig into Farigiraf Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Are you playing Pokemon Scarlet / Violet, have caught Girafarig, and are looking for information about how to evolve it into Farigiraf? We’ve now got you covered on that front.

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are introducing over 100 new Pokemon, and we now have information regarding how to evolve Pawmi into Pawmo as well as Pawmo into Pawmot.

How to evolve Gimmighoul into Gholdengo in Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Gimmighoul is one of the new Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we’ve set up a quick guide about how to evolve it into Gholdengo.

The Pokemon Company made a pretty big deal out of Gimmighoul with its own dedicated teaser website before hosting a dedicated reveal. Remember that this creature comes in two forms: Chest Form and Roaming Form. Chest Form can be found in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, while the Roaming Form will show up in Pokemon GO later on.

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