[Review] Cat Quest III
Posted on 7 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: August 8, 2024
Developer: The Gentlebros
Publisher: Kepler Interactive
We have had so many cat-focused indie games over the last decade that it could practically be a genre unto itself, but few are as charming, engaging, or downright fun, as Cat Quest. The simplistic yet punchy combat, tightly-packed but unrestricted open world, and overbearing onslaught of feline related puns all combine to make it an experience that has always left me wanting more. Developer The Gentlebros have now graced us with a third installment, Cat Quest III, which continues to improve upon the established formula and takes it into uncharted waters as we set sail on a swashbuckling pirate (or should that be “Pi-rat”?) adventure.
Zelda: Majora’s Mask N64 vs. 3DS – examining which is better
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in 3DS, Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
We’re taking a bit of time to reflect on the Zelda: Majora’s Mask N64 vs. 3DS debate to think about the pros and cons of each version.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is often regarded as one of the better (if not one of the best) games in the series. This is despite how heavily it borrows assets from Ocarina of Time – it fashions old assets into new characters with set routines and believable reactions to the tragedies that occur in the game. That being said, the two versions of the game available right now, N64 and 3DS, provide different experiences. There isn’t a consensus on which version of the game is objectively better, however. Today, we’re going to discuss the differences between Majora’s Mask N64 vs 3DS and ask you the question: which one do you like better?
[Let’s Talk] What do you want to see next out of Monolith Soft?
Posted on 7 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Let's Talk | 0 comments
Monolith Soft has become one of Nintendo’s most important subsidiaries over the years. For one thing, the company has developed a very consistent RPG in Xenoblade Chronicles going back to the Wii era. Monolith Soft continued to expand and now has extra teams working on other first-party games, ranging from Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild to the Splatoon titles.
This week, we heard that Monolith Soft is hiring for a “new RPG” with Tetsuya Takahashi at the helm. It’s certainly possible that this could be for a new Xenoblade game. On the other hand, we can’t help but be intrigued by the company working on something entirely new.
We want to ask you though: what would you like to see out of Monolith Soft? Let us know in the comments below.
More: highlight, Monolith Soft, top
[Rapid Review] Thank Goodness You’re Here
Posted on 7 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: August 1, 2024
Developer: Coal Supper
Publisher: Panic
It’s not very often that a video game makes me laugh. There are usually a few lines of dialogue that will elicit a smile or two, or maybe even a small chuckle if it’s especially witty. But prior to playing Thank Goodness You’re Here I couldn’t remember the last time I was genuinely amused, especially not to the point that I needed to put my console down to compose myself for a few moments at times. It’s definitely something you need to experience firsthand to appreciate, and unlike anything else I’ve played this year so far.
More: Coal Supper, highlight, Panic, Thank Goodness You're Here, top
The history of the “free update” model in Switch games
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re going over the history of the “free update” business model of certain first-party games released for Switch.
Free updates and DLC weren’t quite as common for Nintendo games back in the Wii U and 3DS era. Company culture changes aside, one possible reason for this is that those consoles could only store so much extra data and updates for their games (with Super Smash Bros. pushing the limits of this restriction). Needless to say, things have sort of changed during the Switch era. Free updates have gone from a nice bonus to… something else, we’ll say. Here are some of the most prominent examples of Switch games that relied on a free update content cycle, and what these updates added to each game.
Worst Shiny Pokemon of all time
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo, Switch | 0 comments
Following our recent list of the best Shiny Pokemon of all time, we’ve put together a list of the absolute worst Shiny Pokemon of all time. When you look at a big list of every Shiny Pokemon, you’ll notice that there are many more average or poor ones than good ones. This is especially prevalent in some of the earlier generations. It’s rumored that Shiny Pokemon colors were originally determined via an algorithm, but we couldn’t actually find any confirmation of this – maybe the developers just got better at picking colors as the years went by. In any case, we’ve looked through every single Shiny Pokemon and included some of the very worst ones here.
[Review] Trinity Fusion
Posted on 7 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: August 1, 2024
Developer: Angry Mob Games
Publisher: Angry Mob Games
The idea of a multiverse is nothing new, but it tends to be the domain of movies and TV series rather than video games, especially in recent times. Angry Mob Games’ title Trinity Fusion brings this concept to the roguelite genre in some interesting ways that make it a far more immersive experience than I was expecting, although it never capitalizes on its more unique premise to deliver a more memorable time. Despite this, for fans of the genre it is definitely worth a look-in.
More: Angry Mob Games, highlight, top, Trinity Fusion
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – August 2024
Posted on 7 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 0 comments
A new month just started up this week. Now that we’re in August, we want to know what you’ve been playing.
Have you been busy with Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition? How about other games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate or Star Wars: Bounty Hunter? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.
Cutting the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster in half
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
At the time of writing, we’re kind of in a dull spot for the Super Smash Bros. series. Ultimate’s DLC ended several years ago, cementing that title as the franchise’s definitive entry. We’re left wondering – what’s next for Smash? An enhanced port that retains all of the characters plus a few new ones, or a complete reboot with fewer characters? No one knows what’s next, but just for the fun of it, we’re going to speculate on which characters are most likely to stay or leave for Smash’s next entry.
Revamping Kirby’s moveset in Super Smash Bros.
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
If you’re familiar with developer talk centered around Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, you might recall game director Masahiro Sakurai saying that Kirby is one of the most challenging fighters to develop – especially in Smash Bros. games with DLC characters. This is because Kirby has a unique neutral special for every single character, and each one gives him a unique hat to wear. Given that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has well over seventy characters, that means over 80 unique hats for Kirby were needed – plus seventy “Kirby-ified” versions of the corresponding moves.
At the time of writing, we’re not sure what the next Super Smash Bros. game will look like. Will it be a port of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the next hardware with even more characters? Or will it be sort of a soft reboot of the franchise with fewer characters, but new movesets for the returning ones? Whichever the case may be, we’ve come up with a new Copy Ability system for Kirby that would most likely make developing his character easier while remaining true to his series.