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Intelligent Systems

Another DLC pack for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia gets a trailer, this time it is for the undaunted heroes pack. Check out the short trailer below.

Nintendo AU NZ on Twitter has put up a couple of images of the Celica Amiibo in the wilderness, they have also shown a few images of the exclusive dungeon.


Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates’ illustrator Kozaki Yusuke’s group of heroes will be your opponents in the most recent update to Fire Emblem Heroes. These maps will have you battling the characters from Yusuke’s catalog of heroes.

There are five new maps with two difficulty levels for each map, this also comes with additional ten special quests for you to take on as well.

A new summoning focus is up on Fire Emblem Heroes. The heroes in this focus include Azura, Hinata, Titania, and Cecilia. The focus will be active until June 6.

Recently, Nintendo Treehouse posted what could be the final Tumblr update pertaining to Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. After previously introducing members of Alm’s army, it’s now Celica’s turn. Read up on the full post here.

In a new interview with Polygon, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia director Kenta Nakanishi spoke about the newly released remake.

Nakanishi told the site that Intelligent Systems wanted “to integrate things that we couldn’t do with Fire Emblem Fates on the 3DS platform.” That caused the team to look back on the past. Fire Emblem Gaiden was a game that resonated with Intelligent Systems and Nakanishi in particular since his father – who died when he was a child – had passed the game on to him.

Today’s Fire Emblem Heroes update brought us the addition of Lloyd’s Grand Hero Battle and summons. Watch some footage of the latest content below.

Nintendo’s YouTube has shown off another new Fire Emblem Echoes video, this time it focuses on the season pass for the game. You can check out the short video below.


The Grand Hero Battle against Lloyd is now available in both hard and lunatic difficulty levels. You will gain access to Lloyd on your team after defeating him in combat. The new summoning focus for Lloyd will include 5 star versions of Hinoka, Ninian, Raven and Klein. Both the focus and Grand Hero Battle will be available until May 26.

Also, after the Voting Gauntlet the total achieved score from all teams was 131,700,378,446. As a reward all players will receive 20 orbs, 5000 universal crystals and 5 of each great badge.

GameXplain has just put up two new videos, the first showing off the all the support conversations and the second showing the final battle and ending. If you don’t want any spoilers then you should avoid both these videos for now. Click below to see the videos.

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