[Review] Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven
Posted on 9 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Reviews | 6 Comments
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release: June 2nd, 2015
Developer: Neverland, Marvelous
Publisher: XSEED, Marvelous
Author: Patrick
Though I haven’t had much experience playing their previous work, I’ve always had a lot of respect for Lord of Magna’s original developer, Neverland. Whether it’s the intricate puzzles of Lufia, the DIY dungeons of Dark Seed or the laid-back life simulation of Rune Factory, their games always find some way to put a unique spin on the role-playing genre. What a shame then that what is likely their final title lacks this same creative spark, with a story that falls back on tired tropes and a blend of strategy RPG and dating sim mechanics that fails to capture the appeal of both genres. It’s nice that the game even exists following Neverland’s declaration of bankruptcy, but Lord of Magna’s troubled development is very much apparent in the final product, and I wonder just how finished the game actually is.
More: highlight, Lord of Magna, Marvelous AQL, top, XSEED
Lord of Magna blog entry #3: Combat & livestream announcement
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Marvelous just posted the third blog entry for their upcoming 3DS game, Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven. This time, the blog focuses on the game’s combat. Check out this new combat trailer:
Some key features of the game’s combat, according to Marvelous:
– AP (Action Points), which governs the use of abilities in combat. Choosing when and when not to spend them is crucial.
– Emphasis on support abilities: Support abilities, like increasing stats or augmenting characters, are extremely helpful in combat.
– “Bowling” ability: defeating 10 or more enemies in a single move will earn characters an extra turn. To help with this, defeating an enemy knocks him back into his allies, potentially defeating them as well.
– Skill Chips: Equipable items that provide characters with new abilities to use in combat
– Elemental system: governs weaknesses, strengths, abilities and character attunements
– Consumable items are focused on dealing damage to enemies in this game
Finally, Marvelous announced that they will be doing a livestream of Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven, where viewers will be able to pose questions to the developers, this Thursday, May 28th, at 6 PM BST (GMT +1). Check out the stream here. The full blog post can be found here.
More: Lord of Magna, marvelous, XSEED
New Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven blog entry
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Marvelous just posted the second blog entry for their upcoming 3DS game, Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven. This time, the blog focuses on the game’s characters, specifically the main character, Luchs Eduard, and the seven faeries he encounters during his journey. Check out the full blog post here.
Marvelous have also published a new trailer focused on the various characters. Watch it below:
Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven will launch in North America on June 2nd and in Europe in Australia on June 4th.
More: Lord of Magna, marvelous, XSEED
Another sign pointing to XSEED localizing Forbidden Magna
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
XSEED registered a domain for “Lord of Magna” last month. The common consensus was that the website is for the 3DS game “Forbidden Magna”, which was released in Japan last year.
Now we have another sign pointing to XSEED localizing Forbidden Magna under the name Lord of Magna. Take a look at this New Year’s tease posted on the company’s Facebook account:
The silhouette in the first panel appears to be taken from this piece of art:

That’s Charlotte from Forbidden Magna alright!
More: Forbidden Magna, Lord of Magna, XSEED Games
XSEED registers Lord of Magna domain
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
XSEED has acquired the domain name “LordOfMagna.com”. It was registered on December 11.
Lord of Magna could very well be the localized name of Marvelous’ 3DS title Forbidden Magna. Given that XSEED is a subsidiary of Marvelous, I’d say it’s very likely that the game will be brought over to North America sometime this year.