DeNA outlines future plans with Nintendo in earnings briefing
Posted on 9 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
DeNA is currently undergoing their earnings briefing for the quarter, and Wall Street Journalist Takashi Mochizuki has given information and screenshots on DeNA’s outlook with their partnership with Nintendo, which makes mention of the recently announced Miitomo and beyond.
Following Miitomo, their social networking service which has a heavy Tomodachi Life aesthetic, two games are planned for release sometime in 2016, with a total of five out by the end of their fiscal year ending March 2017.
Here are some notable points from the handouts regarding the outlook with DeNA’s partnership with Nintendo:
- Both Miitomo and My Nintendo will be launched globally in 8 languages in 100 countries; launching simultaneously to build a foundation to ensure enjoyment of jointly-developed games over the long term
- Miitomo delayed to ensure quality and most optimal launch
- IP will be strategically selected when releasing, including the consideration of major Nintendo franchises
- Goal is to make multiple hit titles until the collaboration becomes profitable on its own
- As previously mentioned during its reveal, Miitomo will be free-to-play with optional in-game purchases; monetization methods will be carefully decided based on user expectation and gameplay – same approach will be provided in future titles
We’ll be sure to update you with more information if anything else Nintendo related is mentioned throughout DeNA’s earnings briefing
it sounds like at least one more Nintendo smartphone game, in addition to Miitomo, is free to play, according to DeNA chief.
— Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) November 11, 2015
Pokémon Style app released in Japan
Posted on 10 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in News | 1 Comment
From Serebii:
A new app has been released in Japan. This app is the Pokémon Style App and is out from today on Android platforms and will be released at a later date on iOS. This free app gives you special wallpapers and icons for your phone and comes with updates on the second and fourth week of each month on Thursdays. The designs it gives range from Free to 200¥. It currently has a Pikachu design available for free and has designs based on merchandise at the Pokémon Center. A free Marshtomp design is set to be given on February 26th and three designs, Hoenn starters, Evee, Xerneas/Yvetal, are being sold for half price, 100¥ until February 25th
Check out more screenshots for the app below:
Eguchi open to the possibility of Animal Crossing mobile apps
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Animal Crossing series creator Katsuya Eguchi seems open to working with mobile devices, so long as fans are ultimately lead back to core experience on Nintendo platforms.
Eguchi, speaking with Joystiq, noted that some Animal Crossing players may play the title in short spurts, but many enjoy putting a lot of effort into their towns. Eguchi also believes that the 3DS’ inputs are better suited to Animal Crossing’s gameplay than what’s currently offered on smartphones.
Still, mobile devices could prove to be useful. Just as an example, Eguchi mentioned that there could be an app created so that clothing designs could be made on the go. Another hypothetical mobile app could provide reminders of appointments players make to hang out with the villagers in their town.
More: Animal Crossing, Katsuya Eguchi, mobile, top
Capcom using Monster Hunter 4 profits to open new mobile studio
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Capcom has made a lottttt of money from Monster Hunter 4 thus far. Wondering how the company intends to use those profits?
You probably won’t be too pleased to hear that Capcom plans to invest further in the mobile scene by opening a new studio in Osaka. 4 billion yen will be used – stemming from Monster Hunter 4’s sales – so that the subsidiary can be established.