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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

At New York Comic-Con last week, Square Enix’s Tetsuya Nomura revealed a new collaboration with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The Kingdom Hearts III director is making original male and female weapons along with armor and original Felyne equipment.

Nomura spoke a bit about his involvement with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate with Famitsu this week. “I’ve publicly stated that I love the Monster Hunter series, especially the multi-player,” he said. “So when I received the offer, I was honestly very happy.”

Nomura’s designs are specifically made for the west. They’re not available in the Japanese version of the game, which launched last week.


Update: Clarification about Nomura’s involvement. An image has now been released, and his weapons/armor aren’t directly tied to Final Fantasy. Still neat in any case!

Capcom hasn’t stopped announcing crossovers for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, believe it or not. Two new ones were announced during a panel at New York Comic-Con today.

First, players will be able to use Mega Man as a Palico. He uses a Rush Hammer and makes the classic Mega Man death sound when he retreats. A special Mega Man Guild Card is planned as well.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate also features a Tetsuya Nomura Collection of weapons and armor. The gear is inspired by Final Fantasy summons, and can be used with the Final Fantasy-inspired Palico.

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The launches of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and New 3DS make for a pretty powerful combo. Photos from Japan have appeared showing long lines for both products at different locations, including Tsutaya in Shibuya and Bic Camera in Ikebukuro. Most shots were snapped between 6 AM and 7 AM, so the demand was certainly there!


Monster Hunter is a pretty big deal in Japan. So it should come as no surprise that the series’ latest entry, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, has experienced extremely high pre-order numbers.

Media Create states in its latest report that there are 811,000 reservations for the 3DS title. Sales will probably surpass 900,000 units during release week, the sales tracker says.

Despite Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s high expectations, it’s unlikely to match last year’s launch of the original game as Media Create reminds us that the initial Monster Hunter 4 release saw 1,177,000 pre-orders. But if one takes into account that the first game sold through nearly it’s entire initial shipment, Ultimate may still match it on average if the initial shipment is adequate and supplies last.

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