The best sub-skills in Pokemon Sleep
Posted on 1 month ago by Dawn in Features, Mobile | 0 comments
Today, we’re going over which sub-skills are best for which Pokemon according to their Specialty in Pokemon Sleep and some of the things you should consider when assessing whether they’d be worth investing in, or better sent to the Professor for candy that you can invest in better ones.
In Pokemon Sleep, the Pokemon that you recruit have a variety of parameters to consider which can dramatically affect their productivity when you’re awake. Although their Main Skill is fixed by their species, their sub-skills, which they will learn at Level 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100, are randomly selected from a small pool of options, and can make a huge difference on how effective they are at their Specialty.
More: highlight, Pokemon Sleep, top
Pokemon Sleep update out now (version 1.0.6), patch notes
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Sleep has been given a new update, with the app moving up to version 1.0.6.
One of the highlights is that a Good Sleep Day is planned for August 30. Additionally, there’s a new night mode for the loading screen, broadening the conditions to meet a bedtime, and more.
Also, it’s been announced that Pokemon Sleep has reached ten million downloads. Players can obtain 1000 Sleep Points, a Good Camp Ticket, 3 Ingredient Ticket S, and 5 Poke Biscuits to celebrate.
Here’s the full rundown of the update:
More: Pokemon Sleep
Pokemon Sleep launches this month, new trailers, new details, Android pre-registration
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The Pokemon Company just dropped a bunch of news for Pokemon Sleep, including an (almost) release date, new trailers (including how-to-play), and pre-registration (for Android users).
We were previously told that Pokemon Sleep was on track for this summer. As it turns out, the official launch is just on the horizon. While we’re waiting for an exact date, it’s confirmed for late this month.
More: Pokemon Sleep
Pokemon Sleep finally resurfaces, out in Summer 2023
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Nearly four years after it was originally announced, Pokemon Sleep has finally reemerged. The app was shown off during today’s Pokemon Presents live stream and it was confirmed that the app launches in 2023.
In Pokemon Sleep, users will join Professor Neroli – who studies Pokémon sleep styles – and Snorlax, to carry out research into how Pokemon sleep. Also, the new Pokemon GO Plus + accessory will be compatible to track sleep in conjunction with a smartphone. The Pokemon GO Plus + will be available on July 14, 2023.
More: Pokemon Sleep, top
[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #31 – Pokemon Special Feature, No Friends In Mario Maker
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast | 0 comments
Hello my HMs & TMs! It’s bonus time on NEP- you get a double length episode! Oni and Galen kick things off by discussing Nights of Azure 2 on Switch, Smash Ultimate’s Labo VR update and the weird amiibo implementation along with it. The gang then covers more details on Super Mario Maker 2 including the bizarre lack of playing with friends online, the Nintendo Switch Online Vouchers for discount digital games, and how Nintendo games in general hold their value. Oni and Galen then go through all the awesome announcements from the Pokemon Press Conference this week, and muse on the potential of Pokemon Home, in particular. By this time, Oni starts to become weak with hunger and all reasoning goes out the window… Check below the break for more details!
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