Tantalus is the developer behind Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
Posted on 9 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 6 Comments
The developer behind Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has been revealed, and it turns out that Tantalus Media was in charge of the port.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 first came to the 3DS in 2013, though in North America it was known as Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. Next Level Games developed that title as well as Luigi’s Mansion 3. After working on Mario Strikers: Battle League, Next Level should be handling a completely new game.
Tantalus on the challenges of porting Rime and Cities: Skylines to Switch
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 22 Comments
A few different studios have ported games to Switch over the past couple of years. One such company is Tantalus, the team behind Zelda: Twilight Princess. Tantalus helped bring over Sonic Mania, Rime, and Cities: Skylines.
In an interview with Gaming Respawn, CEO Tom Crago spoke about its Switch porting efforts, including the challenges involved with Rime and Cities: Skylines. He had this to say:
More: Cities: Skylines, interview, Rime, Tantalus Media, Tom Crago
Rime dev diary #4
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 4 Comments
Grey Box published the fourth and final developer diary for Rime. In it, Tequila Works dives into the deeper meanings and themes surrounding the experience. Check out the full video below.
More: Grey Box, Rime, Six Foot, Tantalus Media, Tequilla Works
Tantalus Media (Twilight Princess HD developer) working on Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in News, Switch | 44 Comments
In an interview with Maxi-Geek, Tantalus Media CEO Tom Crago stated that his studio has been working on projects for the Switch. According to Crago, the studio, which developed The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, has been working on unannounced titles “for some time”. Crago also stated that Nintendo has made the development process “friendly and systematic,” and that he is personally excited for the Switch’s portability. He also suggested that, if Nintendo fans have any particular titles that they want to see ported, that they should suggest them through Tantalus’s Facebook page.
The full interview can be read here. Crago teased that there would be news soon, but for now we can only wait and speculate what they might be working on.
More: Tantalus Media
Tantalus’ new Wii U game is a port “for an absolute top notch publisher”, not a mature game
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 10 Comments
The existence of a new “AAA” title from Tantalus Media, seemingly for Wii U, was outed over the weekend. Director of development Joss Ellis has since provided a few hints as to what the company will be working on.
Ellis teased that the game in question is a port, “but more of a complete rework for the Wii U” – think Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It’s also “for an absolute top notch publisher” and won’t be a mature/hardcore experience.
According to Ellis:
It is a ‘port’ but more of a complete rework for the Wii U: a bit like the work we did on Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut.
I can’t say what the title is but it is very exciting and is for an absolute top notch publisher.
This game will be credited Tantalus … it’s not an MA / 18 or ‘hard core’ game which ME-3 and DX:HR are.
More: Tantalus Media, top
Tantalus Media starting work on “AAA next-gen title” this month, Wii U mentioned
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 7 Comments
Tantalus Media is starting work on a “AAA next-gen title” sometime this month. The news comes from a job posting added to the studio’s website just a few weeks ago. While the listing doesn’t offer much in the way of details, Wii or Wii U development experience is mentioned as a desirable trait.