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Another round of footage has arrived showing the latest look at the upcoming 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee. Give it a watch below.

A new video from Game Informer shows off the Tribalstack Tropics level in Yooka-Laylee. Several minutes of footage is below.

On the Playtonic Twitter page, a brief gameplay clip was posted that shows some swimming action in Yooka-Laylee. Give it a watch below.


GameXplain captured some off-screen footage of Yooka-Laylee from Day of the Devs in San Francisco. Find the gameplay below.

Yooka-Laylee will be more than just a digital download. Today, Playtonic confirmed that its 3D platformer is indeed getting a physical version.

When Yooka-Laylee launches in Q1 2017, fans will be able to purchase either a digital or boxed release. Playtonic is currently working on a way for Kickstarter backers to upgrade digital pledges to the retail version as an option. The team is still working out the kinks, but this should be available soon.


Nintendo Life uploaded more footage from Yooka-Laylee based on its appearance at EGX this past weekend. Find a few minutes of gameplay below.

During a developer panel at EGX just a few moments ago, a new trailer was shown for Yooka-Laylee. It’s been revealed that Shovel Knight will be joining the game as a special guest character.

Here’s the video:

Playtonic and Team17, who is working with Playtonic on Yooka-Laylee, discussed the idea of featuring a guest character. Playtonic then turned to Yacht Club Games’ Shovel Knight after thinking about how it was a “much-loved game” with a team that “shares the same kinds of values we do as developers and has created something fantastic in the past”. It was also important to include a character that could appear on all platforms.

Shovel Knight’s way of speaking in Yooka-Laylee will be “authentic”. After receiving an explanation and practicing on a Skype call, Yacht Club went through the steps of how Playtonic creates the mumbling voices, and the result was added to the title directly.

Playtonic also indicated that there aren’t any other guest characters in Yooka-Laylee, but the studio is open to the idea.

During EGX earlier today, Playtonic stopped by to show off the latest gameplay from its 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee. View 24 minutes of footage below.

Eurogamer has provided us with another look at Yooka-Laylee after going hands-on with the game. Check out the latest footage below.

E3 may be over, but we’re still seeing footage and interviews pour out of the show. Eurogamer now has its own interview up with Yooka-Laylee art director Steve Mayles and composer Grant Kirkhope, along with footage. See their video below.

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