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Have you heard of the 3DS game Cubic Ninja? It was a small title from AQ Interactive and Ubisoft, which arrived around the time of Nintendo’s portable.

As fate would have it, Cubic Ninja is the key to unlocking homebrew on 3DS. That’s led to the title disappearing at all major retailers with demand far outpacing supply. Amazon, Best Buy, and GameStop pretty much have no stock remaining.

Cubic Ninja was available digitally in Japan, but not anymore! Nintendo pulled the game recently in what is likely an attempt to cut down on 3DS homebrew as much as possible.

Those who have managed to purchase Cubic Ninja can use an exploit in the game and add homebrew to their 3DS system starting on Friday.



Most Wii U games allow players to take screenshots and share them on Miiverse. For whatever reason, this isn’t the case of Watch Dogs.

Multiple users on Miiverse have noted that there isn’t a way to post screenshots to the new Watch Dogs community. Additionally, it seems that photos can’t be shared on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr through Nintendo’s image sharing website.

I can’t really see why Ubisoft wouldn’t want people to put up photos from the Wii U version of Watch Dogs online. It looks to be a fairly competent port!


Watch Dogs file size

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 4 Comments

Watch Dogs is finally out on Wii U today at retail and on the eShop. If you’re interested in purchasing the game digitally, then perhaps you’ll be interested in knowing the game’s file size beforehand. You’ll need to reserve roughly 15GB of space.


Ubisoft didn’t share any official Wii U-specific Watch Dogs assets in the past. That is until today… when the game is launching. You’ll find the first official images above – which even provide a look at the GamePad.

Source: Ubisoft PR

Watch Dogs for Wii U officially launches today (NA) and with it comes two paid for DLC packs.

Although Ubisoft has previously stated that they will not be releasing DLC for the Wii U version, with todays’s launch fans that have been long awaiting this addition to the Wii U library will be able to download the Watch Dogs: Conspiracy! and the Access Granted Pack.

Watch Dogs: Conspiracy! contains a Digital Trip mission

Access Granted Pack has three additional missions, skins, and a few extra character perks

Source, Via


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