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When Watch Dogs released across a number of platforms last week it quickly became one of Ubisoft’s best selling titles. However, many Nintendo fans are still itching to play the game and hoping for a solid release date for the Wii U version. Well, Ubisoft have confirmed today through PR communications that the game is still slated for a 2014 Fall release on Wii U.


A PR stunt has gone seriously wrong for Watch Dogs in Australia, as Mumbrella report that a bomb squad had to be called to newsstation Ninemsn’s office. Apparently a package arrived with a letter and a small safe, with instructions for the addressee to check their voicemail. Of course with no voicemail to check, a pin was punched into the safe, it started beeping and… Things started to escalate. After checking with other newsrooms to see if they’d received something similar, staff eventually were evacuated and the bomb squad was called. Ninemsn’s Hal Crawford told Mumbrella “This is definitely the other side of the line in terms of what is safe for a PR company to send anonymously to a newsroom. The thing was black, heavy and slightly creepy.” After the bomb squad was called, the safe was carefully opened… and a copy of Watch Dogs was found.

But any publicity is good publicity right?

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Watch Dogs reviews roundup

Posted on 10 years ago by (@gamrah) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments

Reviews for Watch Dogs have now started to arrive. Here’s a roundup of the game’s early reviews:

IGN – 8.4/10
GameSpot – 8/10
Polygon – 8/10
Joystiq – 4/5
Videogamer – 7/10
Digitalspy – 4/5
Eurogamer – 7/10
GameInformer – 8.5/10
CVG – 9/10
USgamer – 5/5
Destructoid – 8/10
Giantbomb – 3/5

Ubisoft will not be bringing any Wii U or 3DS titles to the E3 2014 event next month. “We won’t be showing off any Nintendo games at E3 this year,” a representative told NintendoWorldReport.

Initially, Ubisoft provided a decent amount of support for 3DS as well as Wii U. But now the publisher has nothing major lined up for Nintendo’s portable, and Watch Dogs is the only remaining title slated for Wii U.


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