8-player open world multiplayer confirmed for Watch Dogs
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Thanks to a tweet from Ubisoft creative director Jonathan Morin, we now have confirmation that Watch Dogs will feature an 8-player open world multiplayer mode.
Morin confirmed the news on Twitter through the following tweet:
@UnrealThreats Yes
— Jonathan Morin (@Design_Cave) March 7, 2014
Morin didn’t share any details about the mode, though we should be gaining more concrete information over the next couple of months.
More: Jonathan Morin, Ubisoft, Watch Dogs
Ubisoft talks Watch Dogs Wii U – reasons for delay, may ship this year, wants to make full use of Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 42 Comments
Ubisoft senior producer Dominic Guay has opened up about Watch Dogs’ lengthy delay on Wii U.
The publisher announced plans today to ship the title across all platforms on May 27 – except for Nintendo’s hardware. Guay couldn’t offer up an exact date as to when Watch Dogs will be hitting Wii U, but said an arrival later this year is a “possibility.”
Guay told Polygon:
“Yeah it’s still alive. We still haven’t defined a ship date for it, though. So it’s on hold, to a certain extent for shipping.”
“We don’t have a specific ship date for it yet so it’s considered within the year. So we’re going to look at that and we’re going to let people know as soon as we figure out an exact date for it.”
More: Dominic Guay, top, Ubisoft, Watch Dogs
Ubisoft drops prices of Assassin’s Creed III, Splinter Cell: Blacklist on the eShop
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
A pair of Ubisoft titles have received permanent price discounts on the Wii U eShop. As of now, Assassin’s Creed III is available for $19.99. Splinter Cell: Blacklist’s price has been slashed to $39.99.
Watch Dogs – new trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 5 Comments
Update 2: Added in official embed below.
Update: Ubisoft has already taken the video down, though you can watch it here. We’ll add in an official embed once it’s available.
More: top, Ubisoft, Watch Dogs
Child of Light co-op trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
More: Child of Light, top, Ubisoft
Big week seemingly in store for Watch Dogs
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 11 Comments
A big week is in store for Watch Dogs, based on a tweet from product manager David Thériault.
Thériault posted the following on Twitter earlier today:
Morning #watchdogs crew! #ubicoffee #bigweek #toocoldinmtl pic.twitter.com/NanJMpTPvz
— David Thériault (@davidtherio) March 3, 2014
There’s been a lot of talk as of late that Ubisoft may finally be ready to announce a release date for Watch Dogs. Also, it’d be nice to get a new look at the game following Ubisoft’s silence since last year’s delay.
More: Ubisoft, Watch Dogs
Save $35 on Assassin’s Creed IV through the end of today
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Through the end of today, you can purchase Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag at a significant discount. Amazon and Best Buy both have the game available for $24.99. That’s a $35 discount off the regular price, or 58%.
More: Amazon, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Best Buy, sale, Ubisoft
Ubisoft tries to make people think, enrich people’s lives with its titles
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 8 Comments
Ubisoft’s Hugues Ricour has told Total Xbox that the company tries to make players think through the games it provides. “There’s definitely a conscious mandate to make sure we make fun experiences that focus on gameplay, that we enrich people’s lives, and that we connect them together,” he also said.
Ricour’s comments in full:
“We’re trying to make people think. There’s a bunch of other games that I won’t name where you’re very scripted and driven to just follow a path and do actions and press buttons…it’s not just making games for the sake of making games. There’s definitely a conscious mandate to make sure we make fun experiences that focus on gameplay, that we enrich people’s lives, and that we connect them together.”
More: Hugues Ricour, Ubisoft
Assassin’s Creed V won’t be set in Japan
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Ubisoft has thrown around Japan as one possible locale for Assassin’s Creed. However, don’t expect Assassin’s Creed V to take place in that setting.
Ubisoft Toronto executive Jade Raymond confirmed to Adweek that the upcoming title won’t be Japan-based. Additionally, Raymond teased that it will feature her favorite historical era. No additional details were provided.
Wii U accounts for 2% of Ubisoft’s sales in Q3
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 23 Comments
Wii U accounted for a tiny portion of Ubisoft’s Q3 sales. How small are we talking about? 2 percent small.
Nintendo Life has the breakdown:
Q3 2013/2014
Wii U delivered 2% of sales — €10.4 million / £8.7 million / $14.2 million out of a total €520 million / £433 million / $710 million
First nine months of 2013/2014
Wii U delivered 4% of sales — €32.5 million / £27.1 million / $44.4 million out of a total €813 million / £677 million / $1110 million
Wii actually performed quite a bit better for Ubisoft, with last-gen’s console accounting for 11 percent of the publisher’s sales. Here’s the full rundown of shares for other platforms:
PlayStation 3 — 28%
Xbox 360 — 27%
PlayStation 4 — 12%
Wii — 11%
PC — 10%
Xbox One — 9%
At the end of the day, these results shouldn’t be too surprising given the installed bases of Wii U and Wii. Ubisoft also continues to produce Just Dance titles for Wii, which still seems to be a success on Nintendo’s last-gen console.