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A Monsteca Corral: Aliens vs. Monsters – Recommended
Deer Captor – Grumble Grumble
Enjoy your massage! – Grumble Grumble
Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games – Grumble Grumble
My Aquarium 2 – Hmmm…
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 – Recommended
Space Trek – Grumble Grumble


Uforia: The Saga – Recommended


3D Mahjong – Hmmm…
Absolute Chess – Recommended
Absolute Reversi – Recommended
Blayzbloo: Super Melee Brawlers Battle Royale – Grumble Grumble
Divergent Shift – Recommended
G.G. Series Ninja Karakuri Den – Hmmm…
Hints Hunter – Hmmm…
Just Sing! National Anthems – Grumble Grumble
Match Up! – Hmmm…
My Farm – Grumble Grumble
Petz Dogz Family – Hmmm…
Turn: The Lost Artifact – Recommended


1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. Kirby’s Epic Yarn
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns
4. Epic Mickey
5. Sonic Colors


1. Pokemon Black/White
2. Super Scribblenauts
3. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
4. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
5. Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs


1. Paper Mario
2. Mario Kart
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D

27th September 2010 – Two of the best-loved – and certainly the hairiest – video game characters on the planet are set to make a roaring return this Christmas in Donkey Kong™ Country Returns. And, for the first time ever in the series, the primate pals can now face their foes side-by-side, courtesy of a new two-player mode.

Launching across Europe exclusively for the Wii console on 3rd December, Donkey Kong Country Returns offers the popular side-scrolling experience the series is known for, together with new levels, spectacular graphics and added depth to gameplay, courtesy of fully 3D environments – all of which are sure to delight both fans and series newcomers alike.

Ubisoft Morocco game

– News according to Kharijah Imad’s LinkedIn profile, lead designer on a 3DS game
– He was the Level Design Lead on Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands and the level designer on Prince of Persia: The Fallen King (DS)
– Development may have started in April

Ubisoft Montreal

– Another LinkedIn profile listing
– From Lawrence Hum (programmer)
– Apparently has been in development for three years
– May have been a DS game originally

Canceled Ubisoft 3DS game

– News from a LinkedIn profile again
– Game designer was brainstorming/developing mini-games for an unnamed 3DS title
– Development was short (started in February, ended in March)
– Designer now making Michael Jackson: The Experience for Nintendo DS and PSP

Last but not least, we can see that 3DSWare has been trademarked in Europe…

Source 1, Source 2

This information comes from Capcom Europe’s Twitter…

“Two new games announced tomorrow for the early birds amongst you here at 7am”

Well, we know of a pretty big Nintendo event that’s happening in a few hours! I’d say it’s extremely likely that these announcements are related to the 3DS. Or, perhaps even the Wii. Right now it hasn’t been confirmed that the Big N’s conference is just for the 3DS, so we’ll have to wait and see.


This information comes from Level-5’s president, Akihiro Hino…

“We were originally developing it as a Nintendo DS title, but decided to switch gears and develop it as a Nintendo 3DS title instead. The game has really undergone some major changes as we’ve come to understand the capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS. Even Professor Layton’s appearance is changing quite a bit, but you’ll have to wait and see what I mean!”

Hmm… I’m curious to see what they’ve done to Professor Layton’s appearance. The “major changes” sound interesting as well. Maybe we’ll hear about the game tonight/early tomorrow.


Sonic fans will only have to wait just a little bit longer to get their hands on the blue hedgehog’s latest title. SEGA has officially set a release date of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 for October 11 in North America and October 15 in Europe. The title is slightly pricier that most WiiWare games at 1500 points. If it turns out well, though, I’m sure most Sonic followers won’t the price too much!


–For a Limited Time Consumers Can Score a Copy of Soundgarden’s Telephantasm Album with Purchase of Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock –Gamers to Experience the Largest Guitar Hero(R) Set List to Date

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Sept 28, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ — Join the quest to save rock, as Activision Publishing, Inc.’s (Nasdaq: ATVI) highly-anticipated Guitar Hero(R): Warriors of Rock hits store shelves nationwide today. Featuring the largest on-disc set-list ever in a Guitar Hero(R) game, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock’s furious finger-fretting rock music collection is headlined by some of the largest bands in rock and includes original tracks, re-records and bands making their Guitar Hero debut. With the all-new, rock inspired guitar controller, gamers will embark on an epic journey from the halls of punk music to the lava fields of rock treachery in the first ever Guitar Hero story-driven Quest Mode narrated by KISS front man Gene Simmons. Additionally, challenge hungry achievement junkies will find the game’s all-new Quickplay+ up to par as they strive to master the 13 star challenges packed into every one of the 90+ on-disc songs as well as every song in their Guitar Hero music library. Heightening the rock experience, the first album from Soundgarden in over 10 years, Telephantasm, will be bundled with one million Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock launch units.

“Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock delivers the ultimate rock fantasy – from the all-new guitar controller, the epic Quest Mode and the incredible soundtrack, this game gives fans what they love and expect from Guitar Hero,” said David Haddad, Chief Operating Officer, Guitar Hero. “The innovative features and rewards combined with the biggest Guitar Hero on-disc set list ever, make Warriors of Rock the best Guitar Hero experience to date.”

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