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Atlus announced today that Shingeki no Kyojin: Humanity in Chains is heading to Europe, Australia, and New Zealand on July 2. The game will cost €29.99.

In North America, Atlus released Shingeki no Kyojin: Humanity in Chains – where it is known as Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains – on May 12.

Atlus confirmed on its Twitter account today:


A new interview from USgamer has extensive comments from Koji Igarashi about Bloodstained and the game’s recent Kickstarter. You can find that here.

In one section of the interview, Igarashi reflected on some of his previous titles. What he said about Castlevania Judgement seemed particularly interesting. Here’s what was shared about making the nontraditional Castlevania title for Wii:

So there are games, and then there’s succeeding and/or not succeeding. Video games are a tough business, and a lot of games don’t succeed. The smart man will try to learn from his mistakes.

When it comes to Castlevania Judgment, the one thing I learned was from the production side – how to make the best game I possibly can with a variety of different limitations: budgetary, time, etc., thrown on you. Obviously, that wasn’t the best game ever, but it was the best game that I think anyone could have made within those limitations. And the game did get out the door.


Update: Bumped to the top. Nintendo’s official patch notes have been added in.

A new update for Splatoon is releasing next week, Nintendo has announced. The game will be brought up to version 1.3.0.

Splatoon’s latest update makes improvements and changes to the Splatfest, weapons, and gear. The full breakdown is posted below.

Last night, Nintendo held its 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Ten proposed candidates were re-elected to the board, including the following key figures:

Director and President – Satoru Iwata
Senior Managing Director – Shigeru Miyamoto
Senior Managing Director – Genyo Takeda

We’re also hearing that Nintendo is remaining in a position of strength in the stock market. You may recall that after Nintendo made its announcement about bringing games to mobile devices in partnership with mobile, it spiked to over 20,000 yen per share. Shares took a slight dip during E3, but they’ve now returned to their new norm of 21,780 yen.



GamesIndustry published its own interview with Nintendo of America executive VP of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt. Metroid Prime: Federation Force, amiibo, shortages in general, and the Humble Nindie Bundle (not ruling out its own bundle) were among the topics discussed.

You can read up on what Moffitt had to say in this latest interview below. Be sure to check out GamesIndustry’s original article here as well.

On Sunday, Arc System Works will release six new Kunio-kun themes for the 3DS. Each one will be priced at 200 yen. Photos of the different themes can be found over at the source link.


Nintendo eShop

Damon Baker, who heads up Nintendo of America’s third-party relations and indie development, has told Polygon that the company is “certainly exploring options and capabilities” regarding an early access program.

He said:

“We don’t have anything to announce, but I can say that we’re certainly exploring options and capabilities. So anything is possible. I guess the important part of it is we’re very conscious of it and definitely looking at it.”

In terms of the benefits of what an early access program would program, Baker noted that it could act as a beta program of sorts.

“Working out some of the kinks, the server loads or what matching those expectations so that it’s a prime experience when it does, when the full version actually launches. So there could be some benefits there, but I think it’s a very sensitive topic, because you wouldn’t ever want to ask for money for something that doesn’t become fully-realized.”

Lastly, Baker also commented on the Nindies@Home initiative that was held during E3 week.

“We had to change policies over this, guidelines. I mean we basically created almost an early access-type of situation because some of this content isn’t even coming out until towards the end of the year. So to be able to give such early visibility to some of the developers and these builds, there was a lot of work that went into it.”


Nintendo UK has prepared a new promo/commercial of sorts for Yoshi’s Woolly World, which launches in Europe today. View it below.

Nintendo has scheduled more maintenance for Wii U and 3DS. Online play, rankings, and other Internet-related elements will be affected.

Here’s when the maintenance period will be taking place:

6 PM PT (Sunday) – 4 AM PT (Monday)
9 PM ET (Sunday) – 7 AM ET (Monday)
2 AM in the UK (Monday) – 12 PM in the UK (Monday)
3 AM in Europe (Monday) – 1 PM in Europe (Monday)

I’ll also mention that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate maintenance will be undergoing maintenance on Monday. That will be taking place at the following times:

5:30 PM PT (Monday) – 6:30 PM PT (Monday)
8:30 PM ET (Monday) – 9:30 PM ET (Monday)
1:30 AM in the UK (Tuesday) – 2:30 AM in the UK (Tuesday)
2:30 AM in Europe (Tuesday) – 3:30 AM in Europe (Tuesday)


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