New Oddworld entry could happen if New ‘n’ Tasty sells 500K, game will cost $30
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Care to see a remake of Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus? Then buy the upcoming remake of Abe’s Odyssey, otherwise known as Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.
Lorne Lanning confirmed to Eurogamer at GDC today that selling 250,000 copies of New ‘n’ Tasty will secure funding for an Abe’s Exoddus remake. And at 500,000 copies, a brand new Oddworld game will be possible.
He said:
“I don’t think it’s anything less than a $5 million title. So to Kickstart it I think would be a little deceptive and a risk. But if we sell half a million copies [of New ‘n’ Tasty], that’s not going to be a problem.”
“If I’m doing a new Oddworld game, I’m not going to do it for $2 million. I might do it for five or six. People keep asking me, ‘Why don’t you Kickstart Oddworld? You could get at least $1 or $2 million.’ And I’m like ‘What would I do with a couple million on Kickstarter? On a new Oddworld title?’ Not much. I could redo Exoddus for a couple million. I could do that. But a new title, which means new characters doing new things and controls that are great – that’s where the real time and expenses come from.”
“If you already have the game and you’re just doing a conversion, it’s easier. From scratch, I don’t think we could do an Oddworld title for a couple million dollars.”
Hamatora: Look at Smoking World screenshots
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Star Wars Pinball – Balance of the Force footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
More: Star Wars Pinball, Zen Studios
Little Inferno has sold over 1 million copies
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
You can add Little Inferno to the list of recently-confirmed million-seller indie titles. Tomorrow Corporation shared the sales news – which was accomplished across six platforms – during the Independent Games Summit at GDC this morning.
That’s just one tidbit from the panel. More information is located on Gamasutra here.
More: Little Inferno, sales, Tomorrow Corporation
Aztez coming to the Wii U eShop
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Team Colorblind’s debut title Aztez is coming to Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, PS Vita, PC, Mac, and Linux, the studio announced today.
Aztez is a turn-based strategy title that has players expanding and maintaining the Aztec empire while also managing violent outbreaks in real-time beat ’em up sequences. Each game is said to be unique. According to Team Colorblind, “different events will occur, different challenges will emerge, and different spoils will be taken each time you play.”
You can find a trailer for Aztez above. It’ll be released later this year.
Thanks to LetsPlayWiiU and Brandon for the tip.
More: Aztez, indie, Team Colorblind
Sonic Boom – some “surprises” in store for 3DS version, connects with Wii U game, more
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Sonic Stadium has put up a new interview with SEGA’s Stephen Frost and Kellie Parker. There are a number of highlights, including some teases for the game’s 3DS version.
We’ve picked out a few choice excerpts below. You’ll find the full interview over at Sonic Stadium.
More: Kellie Parker, SEGA, Sonic Boom, Stephen Frost, top
Hex Heroes planned for Wii U
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Prismatic Games is planning Hex Heroes for the Wii U eShop, an exclusive real-time strategy game for the console. Here’s what you should know:
– One players is the commander
– Commander makes executive decisions, manages resources, and surveys the broad map from a god-like GamePad bird’s eye view
– Other player chooses different classes
– Classes have unique abilities
– Classes go directly onto the map, with an individual point of view
– The second player tries to build up their city, fortify it, explore dangerous new territories, and fight off enemies
– Start a game by choosing 2 of 8 skills (classes) that create a unique combination in what each player brings to the table as an asset to his team
– Ex: Rogue/Archer combo provides stealth/range; Woodcutter/Knight is well-rounded; Woodcutter/Scout is more of a support type
– 4 different players choose their combinations and join together as a team
– Eeach game will have its own strategical way to win
– Asymmetrical gameplay
– Mario Castañed (The Bridge) chose the visual style
– Visuals are simple in complexity
– Graphics are meant to give off the feeling of being inside a strategy board game
– One player will have the bird’s-eye-view of the board game map, while the others will look like little figuring pieces in a board game
– Grant Kirkhope on board for the soundtrack
– Kickstarter should be up on March 25
More: Hex Heroes, indie, Prismatic Games
XSEED willing to consider physical release for future Senran Kagura games
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
XSEED gave Senran Kagura Burst a digital release. Unlike Europe, no physical version was made available – it only launched as an eShop download.
But as far as the future goes, XSEED is willing to consider physical launches for Senran Kagura games. While “it’s too late for us to go back and redo Burst”, XSEED explained, a physical release for other titles “wouldn’t be out of the question”. XSEED specifically pointed to the PS Vita project Shinovi Versus, but hopefully Senran Kagura 2 would be considered as well.
XSEED’s message in full:
More: Senran Kagura, Senran Kagura Burst
Wooden Sen’SeY targeted for April/May
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Wooden Sen’SeY will be released in either April or May, publisher Neko Entertainment has said.
The company provided an update launch window when asked on Twitter. Neko wrote:
@Shortiloe Still no fixed date, but it's coming! It's for April or May ^^
— Neko Entertainment (@NekoEnt) March 17, 2014
More: indie, Neko Entertainment, Upper Byte, Wooden Sen'SeY
Watch Dogs team added “a bit of additional content” following delay
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 9 Comments
Watch Dogs has received an updated rating from the OFLC. In Australia, the game has been upgraded to R18+ after earning a MA15+ classification last year.
VG247 reached out to Ubisoft about the new rating, and was told in turn that Watch Dogs’ delay “allowed the team to include a bit of additional content.”
The statement reads:
“The entire development team has been working hard to polish and fine tune Watch Dogs in order to deliver a truly memorable open world game. In parallel, the extra time also allowed the team to include a bit of additional content.
“As per Australian classification guidelines, Ubisoft resubmitted the updated version with the added content to the Australian Classification Board (ACB). The decision to amend the rating of the game from MA15+ to R18+ was made by the ACB.”