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Mike Fischer became Square Enix of America’s president and CEO in July 2010. He is now gone from the company.

A Polygon report confirms that Fischer has moved on to Amazon’s Japan division as the vice president of digital Music and Video.

Fischer told the site that he left on good terms, but did not provide further information. Square Enix has not commented on the situation at this time.


A couple of weeks ago, Capcom announced plans to host a “blood swimming pool” event in London. The company hoped to promote the new release of Resident Evil: Revelations while hosting an enjoyable happening for fans.

This was set to take place over the weekend, but has since been cancelled due to the tragic events that took place in the UK yesterday.

Capcom said in a statement:

“In light of yesterday’s sad events we’re cancelling our Revelations pool event. Thank you for your understanding.”

This is probably for the best. It just wouldn’t have made sense to host this given what happened.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U VC

Kirby’s Dream Land 3
Kirby’s Dream Course
Kirby Super Star

* Purchase two of the above games and get the third free (valid through May 30 at 9 AM PT)

3DS retail

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D – $34.99
Naruto Powerful Shippuden

3DS download

Groove Heaven

3DS eShop sale

The “Denpa” Men: They Came By Wave – 20% off through May 30

Source: Nintendo PR

Throughout this year’s E3, Square Enix will provide fans with “dedicated video programming”. The “Square Enix Presents” program “will offer a diverse and user-friendly range of programming aimed at sharing unique perspectives with Square Enix’s global audience”, the company said today.

Akio Oofuji, marketing director at Square Enix Japan, commented:

“SQUARE ENIX will be showcasing a terrific lineup of games this E3 Expo. Square Enix Presents is a new way we can engage on a more meaningful and personal level with our community and fans and share with them the spectacle and excitement of E3.”

Square Enix plans to share a full schedule over the next few weeks. The company will outline the games and personalities who will be present.

You’ll be able to keep track of Square Enix at this year’s E3 through the following social media outlets:


Source: Square Enix PR

Conception II boxart

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments

Nintendo 3DS Version of the Classic Wii Game Features a New Mode, Additional Levels and New 3D Graphics

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Players all over the world fell in love with many memorable, adventure-filled moments in the well-received Donkey Kong Country Returns game for Wii: jumping around the game’s lush and colorful side-scrolling levels; clinging to the side of a swinging platform; riding on a speeding mine cart; and leaping from barrel to barrel between foreground and background. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, launching May 24 for the Nintendo 3DS system, includes all these great moments, but also offers players a host of new features that were not available in the original Wii game and a beautiful new 3D makeover that makes the graphics look more impressive than ever before.

“Even if you played the original, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is optimized for portable play with new options and new levels,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “The new 3D graphics pop off the screen and add an even greater sense of depth to the layered environments.”

EB Games Australia is handing out a little bonus with Animal Crossing: New Leaf pre-orders. If you reserve the game, you’ll receive Isabelle and town hall mini figurines. It’s pretty neat – it makes me wish for something similar here!

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