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General Nintendo

Since this trailer isn’t specifically about the PS3/360/PC versions of Modern Warfare 3, I guess it’s alright to post this!

Nintendo is celebrating Zelda’s 25th anniversary in yet another way. The company will launch The Legend of Zelda Trump in Japan next month for ¥1,050.

Essentially, Zelda Trump is a deck of cards with special art. “Spades” are the original Zelda, “Hearts” are Wind Waker, “Diamonds” are Ocarina of Time, and “Clubs” are Skyward Sword.


Spike aired a portion of this interview on GTTV last week, but now the full video is available. Koji Kondo and Eiji Aonuma take a few moments to talk about the 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert for Zelda and discuss Skyward Sword.


On this week’s episode: Super Mario 3D Land, The Oregon Trail, Michael Jackson The Experience 3D and Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai!

A special treat for Star Fox fans can be found on Google today. If you search for “do a barrel roll”, you should see the screen rotate as you visit the page. Those who have an HTML 5-enabled browser should be able to see the effect.


Nintendo has added two new prizes to Club Nintendo. Members with a sufficient amount of coins can purchase the “Classic Super Mario T-Shirt” and “Super Mario Shoelaces”. The shirts come in small, medium, large, and extra large sizes. Each shirt costs 550 coins. The shoelaces will set you back 300 coins.

It’s also worth mentioning that Nintendo will be increasing the coins cost for a couple of old rewards in the near future. Starting December 1, the “Mario 3-Poster Series” and “The Legend Of Zelda 3-Poster Series” will be offered for 400 coins (as opposed to 350) and the “Giant Mii AR Card” will cost 400 coins (as opposed to 300).

Nintendo and Cast of Characters to Showcase Great Video Games for the Holidays

REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 3, 2011 – Whether your feet are aching from a long day of shopping or you just need some advice about what to buy that video gamer on your holiday list, Nintendo has you covered. Nintendo is visiting malls nationwide to give families hands-on time with great Nintendo games during the busy holiday shopping season, plus a chance to meet some of Nintendo’s favorite characters. Like cookies, presents and visits with relatives, the Nintendo mall program has become something of an annual tradition since 2006. Nintendo estimates that last year more than 850,000 people got some hands-on time with Nintendo games.

Nintendo will be at two dozen malls from Nov. 21 to Dec. 18, prime time for holiday video game sampling. Shoppers will be able to spend time checking out all the coolest games for the Nintendo 3DS™, Wii™ and the Nintendo DS™ family of systems. In advance of the mall program, 10 select malls will also get a special preview of the upcoming epic game for the Wii console, The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword, which will make a 10-day appearance from Nov. 11 to Nov. 20.

Now this is the type of video content I’d like to see more often on Nintendo Video! You can watch it right now on the service, in 3D.

Montréal, Canada – November 02, 2011 – Today, Ubisoft announced that it has acquired RedLynx, the Finland-based creator of the renowned digital brand “Trials”.

Founded in 2000, RedLynx is a pioneer in digital games, developing more than 100 high-quality titles for a wide range of digital distribution channels, including PC, consoles, mobile phones, tablets and interactive TV. After initial success on PC and wide acclaim for its highly realistic, physics-based game mechanics, Trials, RedLynx’s flagship brand, has now become one of the best-selling games ever on Xbox™ LIVE Arcade, with over two million paid downloads across the main game and both DLCs. Trials Evolution, the next title in the franchise, will be released in the coming months. The recent DrawRace 2 for the iPhone and iPad was lauded by both press and gamers for its innovative physics-based touch-controls and asynchronous multiplayer gameplay. Upon its release, DrawRace2 became the best-selling racing game in both Europe and the United States.

Commenting on the acquisition, Yves Guillemot, chief executive officer at Ubisoft, stated: “The team at RedLynx has developed exceptionally strong digital brands that stand out for their high replay value, their long tail sales and their multiplatform positioning. We are delighted to welcome RedLynx to the Ubisoft family. Their expertise in asynchronous online games and physics-based game mechanics provides us with a great opportunity to bring their powerful brands, most notably Trials, to an even broader range of fast-growing digital platforms.”

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