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EnjoyUp Games has put out a ton of games across Nintendo’s digital channels. The company has published several titles for WiiWare, DSiWare, and the eShops.

More support is coming to both Wii U and 3DS. Speaking with Nintenderos, EnjoyUp teased new games for the two platforms that are currently unannounced.


A few months ago, a new game from Mutant Mudds developer Renegade Kid was outed through a trademark filing: “Treasurenauts”. The studio has, for the most part, been keeping quiet about the project.

This month’s issue of Nintendo Force finally offers up some information. The magazine interviewed Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham, who shared all sorts of interesting details about the 3DS eShop game.

Here’s a roundup of his comments:

In addition to battle, this screenshot batch gives us a look at the world of Pokemon X/Y:

Nicalis tweeted one new screenshot from The 90s Arcade Racer. It shows some cool things, like dinosaurs.


Perhaps due to the negative reception of the Xbox One, Wii U sales have seen a huge sales increase on Amazon UK.

Prior to Microsoft’s announcement, the Wii U was slumping at the 390th position. It has since climbed to the 40th position with an 875 percent increase.

Are the boost in Wii U sales related to the Xbox One? I’m not ready to draw any conclusions, but the significant increase is certainly interesting.

Thanks to KIDNINTENDO for the tip.


Yakuza 1&2 HD boxart

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 0 comments

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