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Those who purchase the Japanese version of Resident Evil: Revelations HD at launch will receive the Samurai Edge Jill Model, Government Parker Model, and G18 Jessica Model. All three are special guns.

Capcom will also provide custom parts that will boost players’ weapons: S.T.A.R.S. (critical hit rate and damage increase), FBC (damage booster while fighting formidable foe or enemy that is really close), and BSAA (increases amount of BP you earn).


A new Call of Duty: Black Ops II patch is now in the hands of Nintendo. It’s currently unclear what kind of changes/additions are included with the update, though Treyarch is aiming for a release “early next week.” The studio will give out the specifics about the patch once it’s live.

“A_Trey_U” wrote on the official Black Ops II forums:

“Our next patch has been submitted to Nintendo. We are hoping for early next week. Patch notes will be updated once we have approvals in from Nintendo and the patch is ready to go live. I will not be giving information on what is included in the patch until that time.”


Back in the day (pre-Super Mario Bros. 2), Mario and Luigi were completely identical. They looked the same and played the same.

Now, however, the two brothers have separate identities. Luigi is known these days for being a bit of a wimp, and from a gameplay perspective, can jump higher and can be slightly slippier to control.

Nintendo’s Yoshihito Ikebata and a pair of staffers recently discussed the differences between Mario and Luigi. Read their comments below.

Level-5 released the first game in the Guild02 series of titles on the Japanese 3DS eShop today. Those who purchase the game and have access to the Guild01 releases can gain access to a small bonus of sorts.

When playing Monsters Come Out on Friday, if it detects any usage of Guild01 on the 3DS, players will be rewarded with a digital, mini art book. Pretty neat, aye?

Road Rash is an old game. So old, in fact, that its first iteration released back in 1991, and it had 12 subsequent releases including one on the 3DO, one on the SEGA Master System, and one on the Gameboy Advance. Since the GBA version, however, we haven’t seen a single entry in the series despite its success, which prompted one Reddit user to ask game-creator Dan Geisler whether we’d see the franchise return in the future:

“It hasn’t resurfaced because I was burned out after Road Rash 3. But I’m ready to do another one now. I just needed 20 years off. I’m ready to make a better one now. I miss playing it too. If there is enough interest, I’ll do a Kickstart on it.”

– Programmer and co-designer of Road Rash, Dan Geisler

The systems this would come out for and what gameplay mechanics it might use (technology has improved somewhat since the GBA release) remain a secret, but if you see a kickstarter for Road Rash pop up in the near future, don’t be surprised.

Via Eurogamer

The Little Battlers Wars, after initially leaking out of CoroCoro, has since seen a heaping of details. Find all of the information from the magazine below.

– Exclusive to 3DS
– New game in the series with a new protagonist
– Protagonist’s name is Arata Sena, she’s from the country of “Genoque”
– Set in a “prestigious school”
– Sena uses an LBX named ‘Dot Phazer’
– Her roomate at the school is a boy named Hikaru Hoshihara
– Hoshihara uses an LBX named ‘Bal Sparros’
– He and Sera are part of a “First Squad”, which is commanded by a character named Haruki Izumo
– Izumo uses an LBX called ‘Orvain’
– Other characters: Fifth Squad commander Kite Fuujin, Fourth Squad commander Catherine Ruth, Third Squad commander Rikuya Togo, and Second Squad commander Gendou Isoya
– “Russius Alliance” is another country, made up of a union of several others
– A character named Muraku Houjou is from there and uses an LBX called ‘Gaunta Yzerfar’
– Houjou is a rival to Sena and her friends
– Houjou’s squadmates include Mikhail Luke, Vanessa Gara and the Muraku Squad mechanic Kageto Kiba

Via Siliconera

Assassin’s Creed III contains a reference teasing what would be the next entry in the series, Black Flag. At one point in the game, Connor mentions that sailing runs in his family and how Edward Kenway – the star of Assassin’s Creed IV and Connor’s grandfather – “sailed with a rough crew”. Take a look at the video above for the pertinent scene.


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