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Nintendo will be dropping the price of the Wii later this month. Ahead of the Wii U’s launch and the holiday shopping season, the old console will be available for $129.99 starting on October 28.

Wii’s last price drop came last year. It’s been on sale for $149.99 since May 2011.

Also on October 28, Nintendo will be including a new disc in the Wii package that bundles Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort together – that’s two games on one disc.

For further details, check out the announcement after the break.

Best Buy outlets should be receiving Wii U demo units as early as this week. This is a nationwide campaign, meaning it shouldn’t be limited to a few, select retailers.

If you want to give the console a test run, you could try visiting Best Buy sometime over the next few days. A phone call doesn’t hurt either!


You may know Straight Right as the developer behind Mass Effect 3 on Wii U – but that isn’t the only project the studio is working on.

Direct from the LinkedIn profile of technical project manager Chris Slater, Straight Right is “porting a triple-A Square Enix game to the yet-to-be-released Wii U platform.”

Straight Right CEO Tom Crago recently teased a “big game in a well known franchise that will be released in 2013.” This has to be the Square Enix project, right?

So what can it be? Tomb Raider immediately comes to mind, but Crystal Dynamics global brand director Karl Stewart shut down the idea a few months back. Maybe something changed since January?

If not Tomb Raider, perhaps it’ll be a port of an older title… there are quite a few possibilities!

Source, Via

Rayman creator Michel Ancel has high praise for the Wii U – in particular, the console’s main controller.

Ancel has been very impressed with the technology behind the GamePad. Not only does it offer “crazy” response time, but Ancel also says that it responds well thanks to very low latency – which comes in at only 1/60 of a second.

Below are Ancel’s thoughts about the GamePad in full, which he provided while speaking with Nintendo Power this month:

“And I think this is where Nintendo is really out in front of things. The technology inside the controller is quite a bit more advanced than what people might think. It’s really responsive. The response time is crazy, in fact, and I think the competitors will need some time to [get their solutions] this responsive.

“It’s crazy because the game is running in full HD [on the television], we are streaming another picture on the GamePad screen, and it’s still 60 frames per second. And the latency on the controller is just 1/60 of a second, so it’s one frame late. It’s crazy, it’s so fast. It’s almost instant. That’s why it responds so well. So it can be used as a real game-design thing.”

A whole slew of videos for Spirit Hunters Inc. are lined up for the 3DS eShop. New content is scheduled to arrive through the end of November.

Three videos are already viewable on the store. A trailer, gameplay video, and how to play video are all up as we speak.

The full lineup of content is posted in the graphic above.


Retro Studios used to be located at 1835A Kramer Lane, Suite 100 in Austin, Texas.

Here’s a photo of the building:

At one point or another, Retro moved to 12345 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX.

Below is a look at the area:

There’s no question that the move happened. Retro’s own Facebook page confirms the new location.

So why is this even remotely important? Well, it looks like the new building is bigger than the old one. Perhaps Retro Studios is/was looking to expand?

Thanks to Dragoon for the tip.


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