Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth details
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
CoroCoro has new details on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth this month. A summary of the magazine’s information can be found below, which covers the different activities that can be done in the main hub and more.
– Lugia and Ho-Oh are major Pokemon in the story
– Kyurem is also important
– Pokemon Paradise is the main hub area
– Different Pokemon provide many amenities and items here
– Victini runs V-Roulette in Pokemon Paradise that can get you higher-ranked Pokemon through the V-Wave
– Scraggy will allow you to forget and/or remember different moves
– Azumarill runs the noticeboard where all the missions are given
– Can build up Pokemon Paradise to your own specifications as you go on
– Set up stores with different Pokemon
– Pansage affords you the ability to grow different berries that can help you on your journey
– Quagsire checks on the status of Pokemon you’ve befriended
– He can also set them up so they’ll join you in the next dungeon
– Beartic provides you with a small mini-game to play where you need to shoot discs across some ice to get it in a hole
– Everyone Attack mode: all Pokemon heart beams are collected
– This effect differs depending on your main character’s type but it can do massive damage
– Team Skills are included in the game
– Emolga and Dunsparce are labeled as best friends in CoroCoro and will join your party as the game progresses
Off-screen Nintendo Land – Metroid Blast GamePad footage
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
New Fantasy Life screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Wii Connection Ambassador program ending in Europe as well
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
It was recently announced that Nintendo’s old Wii Ambassador program, used to help others get online with the console, would be coming to an end in Japan. Plans are now in motion to wrap things up in Europe as well.
Nintendo of Europe made it official yesterday – the Connection Ambassador Promotion is ending on November 21 2012 at 23:59 CET (22:59 UK time).
The company highlighted a few things that those who are participating should keep in mind:
- If you have reached Gold or Platinum status but have not yet downloaded the titles you are entitled to, you will still be able to download them after the promotion has ended.
- After the end of the promotion, it will no longer be possible to gift titles which you received due to your Gold or Platinum status.
- After the end of the promotion, the person who has been helped can no longer receive 500 Wii Points if he or she has not started the Wii Shop Channel after both parties registered each other’s Wii Numbers.
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 2nd will be cheaper on the 3DS eShop
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
AKB48+Me and Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 2nd are the first two third-party games to be released on the Japanese 3DS eShop. Both titles are due out on the store on October 25.
Consumers will find that the digital version of Samurai Warriors is cheaper than the retail product. The former costs 6,090 yen while the latter will be available for 5,400 yen. This will be the first time that a title is cheaper on the 3DS eShop.
In related news, a version 1.1 update is coming to Chronicles 2nd. That’s expected on October 16. It’ll correct a few bugs and will add a new easier difficulty mode.
Pikachu 3DS XL up for pre-order in the UK
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
UK consumers can now pre-order the limited edition Pikachu 3DS XL.
Thus far, GAME is accepting early orders. You can pre-order here. Pricing is set at £179.99.
Thanks to Taliesin Mosler for the tip.