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Zen Pinball developer Zen Studios is teasing “big announcements” that will be shared later this week.

The company said on its Twitter account:

“There are some BIG announcements coming this week. Hope you are all ready!!!”

It’s currently unclear if these announcements will be Nintendo-related. We’ll be sure to post any relevant information here, but you can always tune in to our sister site if the news turns out to be for other platforms!

3DS eShop charts (3/12/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments


1. Super Mario Bros.
2. Dillon’s Rolling Western
3. Mario’s Picross
4. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
5. Pushmo
6. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
7. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
8. Metroid
9. Photo Dojo
10. Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword
11. Radar Mission
12. GO Series Undead Storm
13. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
14. Cut The Rope
15. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
16. Plants vs. Zombies
17. GO Series 10 Second Run
18. Super Mario Land
19. Mario Clock
20. Bloons TD


1. Mario Tennis Open Video
2. Nintendo Direct: March 8, 2012
3. Super Mario Bros. Video
4. Dillon’s Rolling Western Launch Trailer
5. Kid Icarus: Uprising Game Overview Video
6. Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble Video
7. Mario & Sonic: London 202 Olympic Games Video
8. Metroid Video
9. nintendogs + cats: Golden Retriever Video
10. Kid Icarus: Uprising Multiplayer Video
11. Nintendo Direct: February 22, 2012
12. Crush3D Story Video
13. Dillon’s Rolling Western Walkthrough
14. Kid Icarus: Uprising Weapons Video
15. Nintendo Direct: February 23, 2012
16. Crush3D Announcement Video
17. Mario Party 9 Video
18. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus Video
19. Sonic Generations Video
20. Pokedex 3D Video

Another day, another interview with Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida.

Hayashida has opened up about Mario in general, such as his thoughts about the franchise seeing yearly releases like Call of Duty. He also discussed the possibility of a level editor for Mario games.

Regarding Super Mario 3D Land, Hayashida was asked about a sequel, DLC, how the Tanooki Suit made it into the game (and revealed how he was pulling for Cape Mario), and more.

As usual, Hayashida’s comments can be found after the break.

ESRB updates (3/12/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 0 comments

Nicktoons MLB 3D (3DS) – E
Disney/Pixar Brave: The Video Game (DS) – E10+
Imagine Babyz (3DS) – E
Puzzler World 2+ (DS) – E
Heroes of Ruin (3DS) – T


A new Inazuma Eleven Game, “Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone”, has appeared in the latest issue of CoroCoro. This is the second time a game in the series will be released for the 3DS.

Below is a roundup of CoroCoro’s report:

– Tenma is the main character once again
– Fey Rune: boy from the future
– Wonderbat: android teddy bear
– Alpha: Team Protocol Omega member
– Alpha is also from the future, says he will take soccer from the world
– Story picks up after the end of Go’s Holy Road soccer tournament
– Tenma goes back to Raimon Junior High, though things have changed
– Raimon members aren’t soccer players and there isn’t a soccer club at the school
– Shinsuke is in a different club from Tenma
– Tenma wonders if he’s in a parallel world
– Alpha then shows up
– Inazuma Caravan is now a time machine
– It can travel through time and transform
– Mixi Max system: place abilities from one team member into another
– This creates a new single member with both prior members’ abilities
– Wonderbat performs this fusion using his Mixi Max Gun
– Exciting Gauge: Wonderbat turns from his normal blue color to pink when he’s excited
– Manga in CoroCoro starting on April 14
– Anime starts on April 18

Scans of Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone can be found above.

Thanks for the tip, 4Him!


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