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Koumajou Remilia II Stranger's Requiem

Koumajou Remilia II: Stranger’s Requiem is on the way to Switch, publisher CFK and developer Frontier Aja announced today. Thus far a release window has not been provided.

Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony just launched on Switch at the end of July. It is currently available on the eShop worldwide.


A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include the lowest prices ever for Assassin’s Creed III: Remastered, Undertale, the Yooka-Laylee games, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


Trouble Witches Final! Episode 01: Daughters of Amalgam

Original (8/31): Publisher Rocket-Engine and developer Studio SiestA have announced that Trouble Witches Final! Episode 01: Daughters of Amalgam, a side-scrolling shoot ’em up title, will be releasing on Switch. Konami’s Tokyo Game Show 2022 website listed the game earlier today – it will be shown off at the expo next month as a partner title.

When it comes to Switch, Trouble Witches Final! Episode 01: Daughters of Amalgam will feature two new playable characters plus new Magic Cards. There’ll be nine modes in the final release.

Haiku the Robot gameplay

Following the debut of Haiku the Robot on Switch this week, a bunch of gameplay has come in. Close to a half hour of footage is available.

You can find more information about the Metroidvania game in the following overview:

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 spoilers

It’s been a while since the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and even though the game is massive, some of us already finished the experience. As it is with a JRPG like this, there’s usually a lot to talk about with regard to the story, exploration, combat and more.

That’s why today’s video is actually a – very long – discussion about Xenoblade Chronicles 3, full of spoilers. If you already played it, feel free to check the video down below and share your own opinions about the game.

Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Pocket Bravery Sho Kamui

Sho Kamui will be playable in the upcoming fighting title Pocket Bravery, Statera Studio revealed today. Diney Paiva is providing voiceover.

The character first appeared in 1996 title Breakers. That game originally released on the Neo Geo.

Nintendo has updated its maintenance schedule for the coming week. There’s not too much going on, but one session is planned for later today that will impact Switch a bit.

The official maintenance schedule is as follows:


Publisher Freedom Games and developer Fantastico Studio have announced that Funtasia will be seeing release on Switch this month. It’ll be out on September 29, 2022.

Funtasia is a side-scrolling 2D racing game where players will need to drive as fast as possible to reach the finish line. We have more information in the overview below.

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School gameplay

New gameplay has come in for White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, a Korean survival horror game. The footage shows the title running on Switch.

For more on White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, read the following overview:

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