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3DS eShop

Two new games appear to be heading to the North American Virtual Console this week. Nintendo’s website lists Mario Bros. (3DS) and Ninja Gaiden (Wii U) for release tomorrow. Each is priced at $4.99.


NG.DEV.TEAM previously confirmed Gunlord for the 3DS eShop, but it sounds like we can expect even more love from one of the game’s developers, René Hellwig, on Nintendo platforms going forward.

Hellwig told Nintendo Life that there are plans to support Wii U as well as 3DS. Redux: Dark Matters is one such game that could make its way on the eShop.

Hellwig’s comments in full:

We have plans for Wii U and 3DS. We think Redux would look amazing with stereoscopic 3D graphics! Since we developed the game on PC with HD graphics it will be easy for us to port the game to Nintendo consoles. Nintendo is more straightforward with Indie devs, and we believe that in the coming years Nintendo consoles will be a great place to publish Indie games.


Bravely Default character designer Akihko Yoshida will be contributing to Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians. Yoshida will be working with Playdek and intends to produce character designs.

In a message to fans, Yoshida said:

“I’m going to be helping to create artwork for Unsung Story. I am interested in the game concept of Unsung Story and it looks very exciting. I made a decision to participate.”

You can find a ton of new details about Unsung Story shared on Kickstarter today here.


Varia Games could bring its Metroid-inspired indie title ReVeN to the 3DS.

The team told PureNintendo that it’s “looking into the 3DS” as a potential platform for the game.” “It would be amazing to implement our game’s mechanics to the touch screen and the 3D effects of the little handheld,” Varia said.

ReVeN is currently slated for the Wii U eShop. A Kickstarter for the project can be found here.


This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Yoshi’s New Island – It’s a Shell of a Time Trailer
Mario Bros. Stage 7: Make Poor Luigi Lose a Life
Mighty Bomb Jack Trailer
Miiverse Overview


Art Style: Solitaire Trailer
Yoshi’s New Island – It’s a Shell of a Time Trailer
Mario Bros. Stage 7: Make Poor Luigi Lose a Life
Life Force Trailer
Miiverse Overview

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

One new game has been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. King’s Knight (Famicom) will be out on February 5. Pricing is set at 500 yen.


Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians will feature a story made up of “mature concepts such as greed and lust, alliances and betrayal, and intrigue and espionage” – among other elements. Better yet, the plot will stay true to Yasumi Matsuno’s previous works.

Playdek said in a recent Kickstarter update:

“We have seen some of you ask for a story that included mature concepts such as greed and lust, alliances and betrayal, and intrigue and espionage to name a few… it looks like you guys are getting exactly what you wished for from Mr. Matsuno!”

Plakdek is expected to share more information on Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians throughout the week, highlighted by a video Q&A on Thursday.

Source, Via

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