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3DS eShop

Another round of Nintendo maintenance (“extended” this time, not “emergency”!) will be taking place on all of Nintendo’s platforms over the next few days.

The bulk of the downtime is happening today. Each one of Nintendo’s online shops will be down between 12 PM and 6 PM PT. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 will be affected at different parts of the day as well.

Tomorrow’s maintenance is much lighter – only Pokemon Black/White 1/2 will see downtime.

The full schedule is posted below.

Dan Adelman is quickly becoming a prominent figure at Nintendo. The business development manager joined the company in 2005, and has pretty much been the man in charge – behind the scenes – for Nintendo’s indie involvement and digital offerings.

Gamasutra sat down with Adelman for a chat covering various indie and eShop topics. He confirmed the removal of Nintendo’s indie developer office space requirement and WiiWare threshold for all digital platforms. Adelman also talked about how indies set their own prices, can easily update their games, puchase a dev kit for “about the price of a high-end PC”, and more.

Head past the break for all of Adelman’s comments.

UK indie developer RadiationBurn Ltd. plans to bring “Boomba!” to the 3DS eShop next month. Versions for iOS, Windows 8 and Windows Phone, Kindle, Blackberry, Andoid, PC and Mac are also in the works.

“Boomba!” is described as a “turn based physics shooter featuring 50+ teams of unique characters”. You can take on the role of punks, rockers, emos, soldiers, cops and others.

The new eShop title will include campaign and multiplayer modes and various weapons such as chainsaw missiles, boxing glove bazookas and metal anvils. The game’s various weapons and your own shooting accuracy will ultimately determine who prevails.

Source: RadiationBurn Ltd. PR

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U retail

LEGO City Undercover – €59.99 / £49.99

3DS retail

Luigi’s Mansion 2 – €44.99 / £39.99
Resident Evil Revelations – €29.99 / £24.99
Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D – €9.99 / £8.99
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell 3D – €19.99 / £17.99
Heroes of Ruin – €24.99 / £19.99

3DS download

HarmoKnight – €14.99 / £12.99
Code of Princess – €29.99/£24.99
50 Classic Games – €4.99/£4.49


Harvest Moon – €4.99 / £4.49

3DS demo

Fire Emblem: Awakening

3D video

The Beet Party: Unidentified Flying Waffle (Redrover, download video) – €0.99/£0.89

3DS sale

escapeVektor (Nnooo) – €5.00/£4.49 (Normal €10.00/£8.99, ends April 11)

3DS app

Save Data Transfer Tool

The following are required to use this software:
• A Nintendo 3DS Game Card that supports this software
• A downloadable version of the Game Card software

Once the save data is moved to the downloadable version, it cannot be returned to the Game Card. Save data on the Game Card will be reset to default.

Dementium wasn’t the only IP Renegade Kid contributed to the DS. The studio also worked on Moon, an original first-person shooter for the handheld. Unfortunately, Renegade Kid was never given the opportunity to make a follow-up to Moon – despite having plans for a sequel.

Co-founder Jools Watsham told Nintendo Force this month that a second entry in the Moon franchise “seems extremely unlikely at this point due to its ties with the publisher”. Watsham did, however, leave the door slightly open to the possibility of working with IP rights holder Mastiff on obtaining the franchise.

Watsham said:

“We had always planned to make a sequel to Moon, but that seems extremely unlikely at this point due to its ties with the publisher. Perhaps we’ll attempt to buy the sequel rights back from Mastiff one day. Not sure. Having said that though, we are pouring all of our efforts and desires into our new first-person shooter for the 3DS. If people like our new FPS, then we’ll have complete freedom to continue to support that game with sequels and such.”

As previously reported, Cult County will be an episodic series. Three episodes will be made available per season, and the first entry is coming later this year. Developer Renegade Kid is looking to wrap up the first season within a year after the first episode hits the 3DS eShop.

All of Cult County’s storylines are pretty much set. Currently, Renegade Kid is thinking of new gameplay elements to add. The studio spoke to one fan at PAX East and stated – roughly – that it wants to “do something special for our original fans”.

Other details include:

– Renegade Kid doesn’t want a HUD on the top screen in order to keep the experience cinematic
– Indoors area included, though it will be very dusty and will have limited visibility
– Story: looking to a relative you’ve lost contact with; stumble into a west Texas town tied up with a cult
– Won’t know who to trust due to the nature of cults
– Episodes will typically end on cliffhangers
– Intertwining stories that are both episode-long and season-long

Aside from Cult County, Renegade Kid has given a release date update for Mutant Mudds Deluxe. A launch is targeted for May or June, assuming all goes well.


Nintendo’s 3DS save data transfer tool, first promised for Japan in January, has an official release date. The app will be ready for release as a free download from the eShop on March 27.

One simple function is included with the tool: the ability to move save data between 3DS retail games and digital copies. It’s a one-way transfer – data can’t be moved from a digital title to a retail release.

Nintendo warns users that the tool is intended to move – not duplicate – save data. Retail saves will be deleted once the process is completed. If a digital game already has data, it’ll be overwritten if the tool is used.


The makers of DSiWare titles Antipole and Cosmos X2 are bringing a new game to the 3DS eShop. “Turtle Tale” is heading to the digital store sometime in the future.

Turtle Tale is a straight-up 2D platformer that is reminiscent of titles from the older days of gaming – specifically the NES and SNES. You’ll take on the role of a water gun-wielding armed turtle who is looking to keep his island safe from foes.

View a few screenshots from Turtle Tale in the gallery above.


Update: Welp, disregard the new Mega Man game news. Capcom’s Brett Elston clarified on Twitter that “discussions are still going”, though the company “will not announce anything until it’s ready”.

Capcom announced 3DS eShop release dates for Mega Man 4 and Mega Man 5 at its “World of Capcom” panel at PAX East today.

Mega Man 4 will arrive on April 25. Mega Man 5 is due on May 16. Capcom also mentioned a June launch for Mega Man 6, but did not provide a release date.

Elsewhere during the panel, Capcom spoke briefly about the Mega Man series in general. Although the company did not have any information to present to fans today, it did tease that a new project is in development. News will hopefully be shared by year’s end.

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