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A new round of maintenance is expected to take place later today (tomorrow depending where you live) for the online services pertaining to both Wii U and 3DS. The two platforms will be seeing downtime between 9 PM PT and 12 AM PT (12 AM ET and 3 AM ET). Fortunately, the maintenance period seems to be relatively short.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

CoroCoro will be offering Charizard to Pokemon X/Y players next month.

Through the distribution event, those playing Pokemon X can receive Charizard holding Charizardite Y. Pokemon Y players, on the other hand, will earn a Charizard holding Charizardite X.

CoroCoro’s distribution works much like the Garchomp event last year. Readers will receive a serial code which can then be used to obtain the Pokemon.


Today, Zen United has confirmed a special “Life and Hometown” edition for Senran Kagura Burst. Consumers who purchase the package will receive a copy of the game, A3 3D lenticular poster, and a unique t-shirt.

The Life and Hometown edition for Senran Kagura Burst will be sold on FunStock. Pricing is set at £49.99. Only 500 copies will be produced, so it sounds like this could end up being pretty limited.

First, let’s take a look at the standard boxart for Ace Attorney 123: Wright Selection, which is finally available at a decent size:


And here’s the limited edition boxart for the game:



More scans from this month’s CoroCoro have appeared showing Diancie, the newest Pokemon. We now know that the creature can use Clear Body as its ability. The first scan above is the new movie poster featuring Diancie while the latter is a clearer/full image which first popped up earlier in the week.

Latest Hero Bank details

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

SEGA’s latest trailer for Hero Bank has brought us a bunch of extra details about the game. Read the latest roundup of information below.

– Kaito Gosho can buy weapons, traps, and more while the fight is happening
– Shop has crazy prices for items such as an electric trap
– Need to spend money to win
– Kaito Gosho is ultimately a kid saddled with a one billion yen debt in real life that he’s going to have to pay off somehow
– Can perform a clean knockout punch or pinfall opponents
– Doing the latter while their hit points are still decent can be dangerous, as they’ll have enough strength to push you off
– Will need to extort exhort the crowd while fighting
– This charges your money/popularity gauge and helps increase your earnings when you win


Kirby Triple Deluxe may only be a few months off from landing in North America. GameStop currently has the game listed for a May 2 release.

That date is certainly plausible. Might we hear something about the game’s overseas tomorrow during tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct?

Source, Via

Update: Nintendo has confirmed the presentation for Japan in addition to North America and Europe.

A new Nintendo Direct presentation will be streamed tomorrow, Nintendo has announced. This one will be the first presentation of 2014.

An announcement sent out by the company confirms that titles releasing before the end of 2014 will be covered. As usual, Satoru Iwata will be hosting the proceedings, and in the European broadcast, Satoru Shibata will be appearing.

Tomorrow’s presentation will be streamed at 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT. Head past the break for the official announcement.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find the retailer’s circular in full below.


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