Earth Seeker dev interested in the 3DS
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
This information comes from Noritaka Funamizu, who talked about the 3DS in the latest issue of Famitsu…
“As a portable game system, the 3DS is just powerful enough, and that’s what I find so attractive about it. It’s not too weak, but not too overpowered, either — it seems easy to develop for. There’s this idea I had that was too complex for the DS, but wasn’t really suited for the PSP either, and I’d like to try tackling it again.”
Hmm… I wonder what sort of idea Funamizu had in mind. I’d love to see him bring it to life on the 3DS!
Nintendo Power – Readers’ most wanted
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 4 Comments
1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. Kirby’s Epic Yarn
3. Epic Mickey
4. Donkey Kong Country Returns
5. Sonic Colors
1. Pokemon Black/White
2. Super Scribblenauts
3. Sonic Colors
4. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
5. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
1. Paper Mario
2. Mario Kart
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D
New/old Cubic Ninja screenshots, details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 1 Comment
– Main character is CC
– CC needs to save his friends
– CC’s friends have been imprisoned in the mansion
– Use the gyro sensors in the 3DS to guide CC to the goal
First off-screen gameplay videos of Ocarina of Time 3D, Resident Evil: Revelations, and much more
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 10 Comments
Miyamoto doesn’t believe tilt controls and 3D would work well together
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 8 Comments
As we’ve known since E3, the 3DS will offer a number of different control methods, including gyro sensor input. Don’t expect tilt controls in games like Mario Kart 3DS, though. Shigeru Miyamoto told Nintendo Dream in the magazine’s latest issue that it would be a bit tough to have 3D visuals working together with the gyro sensor. Such gameplay isn’t unlikely due to a technical limitation. Rather, the 3DS has a somewhat small sweet spot, so moving the system around could cause the 3D effect to be lost.
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Capcom on the decisions to make Okamiden/Mega Man Legends 3, discussions about moving Okamiden to 3DS
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 2 Comments
First, Capcom’s Christian Svensson was asked what the thinking behind Okamiden and Mega Man Legends 3 was, as Okami/previous Mega Man Legends titles haven’t sold too well…
“When we announced Okami, the Nintendo DS was just coming out. People had asked Okami producer Atsushi Inaba about the game not being on DS due to the drawing mechanic. He said he didn’t think we could achieve our vision there; same thing for the Wii with its controller. Our take with Okamiden was fans asked for something clever. We saw the DS as a means of innovating with the touch screen as a drawing mechanic.
The team did some very early technical demos on the visuals and how close we could get to the PlayStation 2 and Wii visuals. It looked as good as anything that Nintendo put out. It’s a very high-budget release on the DS in the form of Okamiden with high production values. But the interface on the DS was what really drove that game.
With the 3DS for Mega Man Legends 3, one of the things you’ll find about new hardware are early adopters tend to be more core. They’re passions and informed about things. Anytime there’s a new piece of hardware, there’s an opportunity to either establish new IP or reboot IP that maybe should have done better last time around. That was really more of the strategy with the 3DS, to reach a new early adopter audience. We won’t be there at launch with the game, but there are some interesting things that we’re doing that will hopefully be perceived as visionary and really fan embracive.”
Svensson was then asked if Capcom considering moving Okamiden to the 3DS…
“There were discussions, but it was too far down the path. The thing you have to remember, by the time you guys hear about them, very often these games have been in development for over a year. While we occasionally get an early heads up on things here and there in terms of new hardware, we were fairly far down the path on DS before we got word on 3DS, and that’s fine. We’ll see what happens.”
If I’m remembering correctly, Okamiden was announced in September 2009, but Capcom staff were working on tech demos back in 2008. Considering how much time and effort was put into making the game for the DS, it’s probably best that the title stayed on the system. I’m still hoping we’ll see more of the franchise, though, whether it’s on the 3DS or consoles.
Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 4 Comments
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney
– Craig surprised about the game, thought it was a joke
– Professor Layton and Phoenix Wirhgt meet in a weird medieval city
– Trailer was impressive
– Involves people being accused of witch craft
– Maya is in the game
– Capcom and Level-5 teaming up
– Level-5 doing the development
– For the 3DS
– Seems like more of a point and click adventure style game
New off-screen 3DS game footage (including 2 minutes of Dead or Alive: Dimensions)
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 6 Comments
Inafune, Hino talk Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
First, Keiji Inafune commented on the title, and even stated that he was “80 per cent certain” that Capcom would turn down the possibility of Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton starring in the same game…
“I thought it would be impossible. Phoenix Wright is handled very carefully within Capcom. [Shu Takumi] doesn’t listen to what people say. Nobody but Hino could have thought of it. In a sense, we’re rivals, so usually you wouldn’t want to do this sort of thing…It wasn’t a case of licensing out the Phoenix Wright characters and demanding our licence money. That isn’t a collaboration, and users would see that. For this standalone game, we wanted to create a great history, which would have been impossible if both parties were not fully involved.”
Next, Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino talked about the game a bit, and indicated that Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton will have a showdown…
“I think the fans of both games want to see a showdown, and also want to see a scene where [Layton and Wright] join hands and take on a really big challenge…We want to fill the game with both aspects.”
Hino also discussed the influence of Phoenix Wright on the Professor Layton series…
“We researched the good and bad points of Phoenix Wright, developed the good points and overcame what I saw as the bad points – that’s how we created Professor Layton.”
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater trailer in English
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Obviously, nothing has truly changed in the trailer since we posted it at the end of September, but we finally are able to listen to English voiceovers…