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Samurai Maiden 10-minute gameplay trailer

Today, D3Publisher and Shade issued a new trailer for Samurai Maiden. The 10-minute video offers up a lengthy look at gameplay.

Further information about Samurai Maiden can be found in the following overview:

Rune Factory 3 Special overview trailer

Marvelous has provided a new look at Rune Factory 3 Special with a new trailer that just went live. This is a general overview of the game that shows off features and more.

If you need a recap on Rune Factory 3 Special, read the following overview:

Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include the lowest prices ever for Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection, SaGa Frontier Remastered, Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


How to evolve Girafarig into Farigiraf Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Are you playing Pokemon Scarlet / Violet, have caught Girafarig, and are looking for information about how to evolve it into Farigiraf? We’ve now got you covered on that front.

Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are introducing over 100 new Pokemon, and we now have information regarding how to evolve Pawmi into Pawmo as well as Pawmo into Pawmot.

Best Buy Black Friday 2022 sale

Black Friday 2022 technically isn’t here just yet, but that hasn’t stopped retailers like Best Buy from starting sales early. A ton of Switch games have been discounted including past hits such as Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Animal Crossing: New Horizons, recent releases such as Persona 5 Royal, and more.

We’ve rounded up some of the highlights from the Best Buy Black Friday 2022 sale below. We also have links to Amazon price matching where available. 

Super Kiwi 64 release date

Diplodocus Games and Siactro have set a release date for Super Kiwi 64 on Switch. It will be available on December 2, 2022, both sides have confirmed.

We first heard about the game back in April. The project was given a 2022 launch window, but now we have a proper date.

Super Kiwi 64 is a 3D platformer and collect-a-thon that’s inspired by the late 90s console look. Find a rundown of the game’s features below.

My Fantastic Ranch gameplay

Fresh gameplay has emerged for My Fantastic Ranch. With this new video, we have nearly a half hour of footage from the management title.

Learn more about the game in the following overview:

Pid gameplay

Posted on 2 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments

Pid gameplay

Pid was made available on Switch this week, and new gameplay has emerged. 20 minutes of footage shows off the platforming puzzle game.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the following overview:

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