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Super Mario Run is hosting a new event this weekend. Until June 4, Remix 10’s Super Bonus Game will be offering a bunch of different items featuring 8-bit art.

The full list of Super Bonus Game items is as follows:

Fire Emblem Heroes recently added in some new content with the latest Voting Gauntlet and Ryoma Special Maps. Have a look at some footage of both below.

Pokemon Quest

Pokemon Quest has already reached a major milestone. Since launching earlier in the week, it has managed to surpass one million downloads.

Switch owners can download Pokemon Quest on the eShop as a free-to-play game. A mobile version is slated for this month.


A couple of updates on Fire Emblem Heroes: first up, the retweet event for the Feh doll accessory that started a couple of hours ago has already surpassed its goal, meaning that all players will receive the Feh doll acccessory once that functionality will be added with the next patch.

It’s also the start of a new month, which means new quests are now available. As always, there are three categories: defeating certain types of enemies, clearing each stratum of the Training Tower multiple time and clearing specific story stages with all four of your characters surviving.

Finally, the first round of the Heroes & Legends voting gauntlet has started. It will last for 48 hours.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are planning a new accessories feature so that players can customize mini units in-game. As a way of promoting the functionality, a retweet event has begun.

Simply retweet the message below to help contribute to the goal. If the total number exceeds 10,000 (combined with the numbers from related tweets in other regions), all players will get a Feh Doll accessory as a present.


Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has kicked off a new garden event featuring Digby.

Here’s a brief overview:

We now have the official packaging for Poke Ball Plus, the new accessory for Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee as well as Pokemon GO. Have a look at it above.


Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has added in a new type of terrain featuring birch trees. Releasing it at this time is meant to hold over all you pocket campers until the next event. Enjoy the birches!


Fire Emblem Heroes has kicked off its latest summoning event featuring the Legendary Hero Ryoma: Supreme Samurai. It will be live until June 7. 5-star Special Heroes who were previously released will also be included.

During the event, 5-star Focus Heroes will have an initially appearance rate of 8%. The appearance rate for regular 5-star Heroes will also be set to 0%.

Today’s event features a special map for Ryoma: Supreme Samurai as well.

Pokemon GO is celebrating the announcement of Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! with a special event. Starting today, Alolan Exeggutor will appear all over the world in Pokemon GO! This is the first Alolan form to appear in the mobile game.

Thanks to StrawHatEeevee for the tip.


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